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Changing the heart button to a plus


Changing the heart button to a plus

Hey there,


We wanted to let you know that our design team is currently testing a new layout for the button responsible for adding items to Your Library and your playlists on iOS. The team is exploring revamping the look and some of the functions of the Now Playing view and this includes a possible change of the heart symbol for a plus sign thus streamlining the process to encompass "one button to rule them all" design.


In some versions of the app you might see a plus instead of the heart or you may see some differences in the way the Now Playing view looks, so if you want to share your feedback with the team it's best that you also include a screenshot of what you see so that we'd be able to properly sort and forward your thoughts.


When designing this new experience our teams tried to incorporate as much as possible of your valuable feedback from our older tests about this. As before, we would really appreciate you sharing your thoughts on the test in this thread. Your feedback will this way reach the right team directly.


Let's continue to together improve our experience using the Spotify app!




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229 Replies

soo are you also referring me with my post screenshot if so are you saying my editing is bad


Wow, I don't like that. When did they change it to that? The last time I used Spotify mobile it was not like that.

i modded it, it's not real it's just modded and edited with the black box that covers my stuff


You need some more playlists lol. I've got a massive scroll bar on my sidebar (no I don't use all of the playlists I have saved).



Why did they screw everything up with this new design of the now playing screen. It's awfully ugly. Spotify is my favorite music app and I can't believe this step on their part. Why on earth did you ruin this great app?

Why did they screw everything up with this new design of the now playing screen. It's awfully ugly. Spotify is my favorite music app and I can't believe this step on their part. Why on earth did you ruin this great app?

Good Idea. Addtionally I got some sour words to spotify as well.

There's no possibility to remove unwanted songs via web app. Additionally Spotify makes me anger to serve songs like "deutsche heimat melody". I've tried to remove it from mobile app many times but Spotify continuosly add this **bleep** to my Release Radar playlist. I don't like this kind of music but AI thinks otherwise.

Maybe somebody bring the "unlike" button back?

there is one you just unheart it and then remove it from your playlist or if it's a spotify playlist just remove it from your profile by clicking the ⋮ 

The new update made it inconvenient to click on the artists name or song title. My thumb naturally is at the bottom of the screen while holding my phone. The old interface was better because the clickable name and title were at the bottom of the screen. Now, it is not as seamless of an act as I have to reorient how I’m holding the phone to reach the top of the screen. 

The reason why I believe this redesign is not efficient is because when I am switching through songs, I am using my peripheral vision to see the name of the song that is now playing. Since my eye is focused on the arrow, I can very easily look out of the corner of my eye to see what new song title has just popped up, since it is roughly near the same spot. With the relocation, the song, name and artist are out of my peripheral vision, I have to pause, look up, then look back down, and hit skip. I like the idea in theory, but it just doesn’t work well unfortunately, and makes the app much more difficult to use in my experience. 


i’ve had it for a few hours and now it’s gone. i really liked it actually… is there any way to get it back?

hello! i’ve had my spotify updated and yesterday night got the plus button instead of the heart. i was so happy because there’s finally an easy way to sort songs in multiple playlists. but… this morning it was gone and back to a heart. is there any way to get the plus button back? thanks!

i have an iphone

So without a word I got this ugly UI in Spotify. A day ago I had the normal one, which was perfectly fine and now I have this abomination. 8 months ago they had to move the player buttons around, now this? Why can’t they leave the player alone and redesign the library instead so it’s organised by Artists, Albums, Genres, etc. Or get the podcasts off my screen. Literally anything would be more useful than this. I’m just a guy who wants to enjoy Spotify. The convenience of having the title UNDER the album artwork is so I can reach it with my thumb and it will take me to the playlist the song is playing from. Any way to get rid of it?Ugly shite.jpg

I can’t stand the new layout with the artist and song all the way at the top of the screen.  The space where it used to be is just a blank waste of space now.  
Try browsing on an iPad or similar device. 🤨

Now you have to like stop browsing, look all the way to the top of the screen to see what’s on -  which by now your “next” finger has naturally drifted enough to not be hovered where it needs to  be if you’re reading too long and try to hit next without looking down first.  Then you gotta look back down, reposition your finger and hit next and repeat.  
At the very least let us pick the location in a setting.  Surely I can’t be alone on this. 

was it just like my post down below with my modify spotify?

The new “plus” icon has created an entirely new issue.

before when it was just a like button, when opening a local track, the button would often be empty instead of fully colored despite you having already liked a song. Now, the same thing happens with the plus icon, and when you reclick it, it doesn’t open the playlists menu, it stays green, the “removed from your library” text displays repeatedly, and you can’t do anything.
If the “add to playlist” sub-menu was still there, I guess this wouldn’t exactly be an issue since you could just go in and do playlist stuff from there before. But, because that’s gone now and this new button REFUSES TO WORK, it’s quite literally impossible to add your local files to anything aside from your liked playlist. Worthless update, in my case at least since I have 1,500+ local files that I can’t use now. Spotify, PLEASE FIX THIS BROKEN BUTTON.

thank you.


EDIT: I just realized something: you can still slide local songs from the list menu and add them that way. It works! The plus button itself is still broken, but hey, I can at least add these songs now.




iPhone SE 2

Operating System

iOS 16.0


i just noticed the layout has changed on the iphone. ughhhh.

why is this considered an 'improvement' - why the need to change it?

it was perfectly fine the way it was.


to have the artist and song at the top makes things worse visually, and also you now have to move your thumb up to the top to click on the artist. before everything was in easy reach.

this is very impractical and poor user design. also the dead space feels wrong under the cover.


sometimes i feel the people at spotify are bored and make these pointless trivial changes for the sake of it. but they never actually give us useful things, like a comprehensive history in the desktop app, for example.


I contacted support to opt out of this… They couldn’t do anything. I’m fuming. I’m not paying to test any beta changes. I just want to listen to music in a consistent way. Tapping on the title takes me to the artist’s page. It’s a good shortcut. Now I can’t reach it with my thumb. This is a very dumb and anti-accessibility design choice. The (for me) old player is completely fine, stop messing it up. I want it back, for heaven’s sake, OPT ME OUT OF TESTS NOW! I repeat, I DON’T WANT TO TEST ANYTHING. Take your changes to TestFlight.

Yea its freaking db. Do they not have people who even test these things before they get rolled out??? Like whos idea was it to also rearrange the buttons, now I can't reach with one hand to do simple things its honestly annoying as **bleep**.  The heart button is on the left but on the right when you click the 3 dots it brings up a menu to like the song.

Look, I get it. You have to redesign the system UI every so often to keep the app looking relevant and fresh. But there's ways to do this that don't effect user functionality and only add to a novel app use experience.  


when you redesign the UI every year, keep the same functionality, because now I'm trying to find ways to undo the update so I can navigate the app how I like.


It's this most recent update that really put me off. When you tap on a song title, it used to take you to the album that the song is on. Now, it just takes you to your playlist with the song in it. I can get to my playlists easily, I don't need that. I liked it where you tap the song and it takes you to the album. Now if you want to listen to more songs in the album, you have click the artist, find the exact album just looking at the art, and find the song. Please put it back. 


Also putting the song name and artist name on top? These redesigns are getting kind of dumb. The title and artist name lower are closer to you thumb on the phone so you can tap it. My point is stop changing things just to change them, put actual thought into improving your app. You can redesign it, but if it ain't broke don't fix it.

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