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Lyrics are missing for free users

Lyrics are missing for free users

on spotify it is showing i need premium to see lyrics 💀💀


210 Replies

same! i tried using a different account and it was fine there. it seems like its just on some specific accounts and that too only on the apps. its fine on the web player for some reason

Seriously??? It seems as if Spotify has removed the feature to view song lyrics on my account. It does not show the lyrics, it just says "Enjoy lyrics on Spotify Premium." since yesterday. My friend has lost the feature on her Spotify to play songs in albums individually. It asks for Spotify Premium in order to do that. What??? This is not a good step at all. The functionality and features on the app are all getting barred behind a paywall, worse that features that have been free are also now getting turned into paid only features. Bring back the feature to view lyrics and play songs on albums individually for free accounts. Spotify is achieving nothing by this, and most certainly not getting new spotify premium subscribers, but is instead losing faith of free users like me, my friend and many others. Spotify will start losing users and we all will switch to better alternatives. FIX THIS!

Spotify has reportedly just started to requiring a premium subscription to view the lyrics. You should see an "Enjoy lyrics on Spotify Premium" prompt when using the mobile app. 

Things that become entirely modified and also way more complicated are not good ways to "fix" issues.
I can almost not navigate this thing now.
I suppose you guys think this will make people want to pay for the service?
Sure,,take a working system and overcomplicate it into oblivion.
I can get songs on youtube so you know that.
But thanks for destroying a once great platform.
I can't find anything now.
Someone trainwrecked this bad. lol
Not much reason to be here anymore.
Thinkiing it over.

Please give us back the freedom to see the lyrics of the songs as this update has made Spotify very useless for people like us who usually enjoys the lyrics and you are just gradually degrading Spotify ratings by removing the features one by one. You can check that the rating of Spotify on play store has dropped to 2.9 and I think that it will drop more. You are not attracting more customers to premium plans by removing the features from the basic plan, you are just losing your user.


I personally used Spotify because it offered a lot of features in the basic plans but now it seems that you are removing even the basic features that are offered by other applications in their basic plans.





Macbook Air 

Operating System

iOS 13.5.1


My Question or Issue

lyrics are not coming for me , it says i need to purchase premium
now spotify doesnt work like that , all my other friends are not having the same issue
please resolve this

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 11.41.48 AM.png



I think they’re testing charging lyrics for Premium.  Or maybe it’s a bug.  I’m not sure, but it’s been confirmed lyrics are becoming a Premium only feature in the future.

same thing here my lyrics wont show for like a month or over that.


As far as I know - Spotify is testing "the lyrics" feature to only be available for Spotify Premium users, so this can be an answer for your question! 

Have a nice day!


It’s to every song that I listen to it Dont loads for any 

Hey folks,


Thanks for posting about this here in the Community.


The availability of Lyrics may vary depending on app versions and small experiments we run from time to time.


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iPhone 11

Operating System

iOS 17.3


I just finished my premium plan yesterday and for some reason i cant see the lyrics anymore does anyone know why this is???




spotify become most wrost app known to mankind


I have this same problem, i do not have premium and I cannot see lyrics after logging out multiple times. 

Cero lyrics here, none, no matter how old or new is the song I play. Bummer.

I can't see the the lyrics in most songs and it has been like that since september. Fix this damn app!!!!

Most of the songs does not have lyrics, but previously those songs had lyrics

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