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Playback gets paused every 30 seconds on any device I try to listen with


Playback gets paused every 30 seconds on any device I try to listen with


Premium Family


United States



Desktop, Android

Operating System

Mac, Windows 10, Linux (Manjaro), Pixel 5 (Android 12)


My Question or Issue

Every 30 seconds, no matter what device I use, music playback is stopped. I've tried turning on private session, I've tried playing offline/downloaded music, I've tried reinstalling on every device, I've tried changing my password and pressing "log out everywhere" and nothing has fixed it. I've made sure to clear the cache and storage before reinstalling as well. Happening on multiple devices and platforms leads me to believe this is an issue on Spotify's end, not mine. Other accounts in my family plan are not having this issue, only me.

29 Replies

This is happening to me too and I don't understand why

This is happening to me too, on my PC and my Iphone. I've looked it up, cleared caches, reinstalled, etc. It still happens

If I start a playing a song it stops playing after exactly 31 second everytime, I already reinstalled spotify on every device but the problem still consists

its happening to me too and its complete**bleep**

I was able to fix the issue by going into my voice and video settings, scrolling to the bottom and clicking reset voice settings, not sure which setting was preventing my music from playing but this worked!

Since a few days back, everytime i play music on Spotify on my windows PC it randomly pauses. When i set it on private session it stops, but when i play the music again normally, it keeps pausing on songs when i do not click the pause button.

I have reinstalled the program from my PC, deleted the cash, logged out all the other devices and changed the password, but it still pauses out of nowhere.

Does anyone have a solution?

Did you ever resolve this? I am having the same issue with it stopping after 30 seconds. Don't even know what Discord is lol. I have tried every single thing I've read and nothing is working.

This worked for me too, thank you so much for this suggestion!

I can't find anything like that in Spotify.

I can't find any such thing in Spotify menus.  I went through them all.

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