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Playlist won't delete

Playlist won't delete

I made a playlist.  I tried to delete it.

image 1 - I tried to delete it from the playlist menu, nothing

image 2 - I tried to delete it from the home menu, nothing

image 3 - Look...It's still there


It "worked" once.  I clicked delete and the playlist menu closed and it was removed from my library.  But every damn day, it's there.  Good morning, afternoon, evening...always there.  I just want it gone. delted. Erased from existence and from my memory.  Please.  Help.  Get rid of it.  Why is it still there like a stain taunting me?

If it helps, it used to be a collaborative playlist.  It no longer is, but it was.



1 Reply

Hey there @madelyn8,


Thanks for reaching out to the Community and welcome!


When you delete a playlist, it takes some time to be completely removed from Spotify, as they're kept available for restoring in case you want to. The playlist is still showing in your Home shortcuts since you interacted with it recently. No worries though, as you keep using the app, that section will be updated to show what you've listened to recently and the playlist should be removed from there soon.


Hope this clears things up. If you have any questions or need anything else, we'll be right here.


Cheers 🙂

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