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Release Radar playlist not listed in saved/liked playlists on Web player


Release Radar playlist not listed in saved/liked playlists on Web player

I liked my Release Radar for easy access every week, but I noticed on the Web player, this playlist does not show up in my list of liked/saved playlists. It shows up in My Library on mobile (Android), so it definitely is added. But on Firefox v110.0.1, it isn't listed at all.

It's weird because Discover Weekly is another Spotify curated playlist I've saved that is updated weekly, but unlike Release Radar, it shows up in My Library just fine.


EDIT: The solution I marked is the last thing I tried before my issue was resolved, but I'm not sure if it was the exact fix. If anyone else is having the same problem, see this reply for more details.

31 Replies

Hey @mangopit


Thanks for keeping us in the loop.


Based on what you mentioned, it's sounds like the issue is account-related. In this case, would you mind creating a new account to check if you can replicate this? Keep in mind that you need to use it for some time so the algorithm can create the Made for you playlists. 


We'll be on the lookout.

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I have an old account that I haven't touched in 3 years. Is it okay if I use that for replicating the issue and generating the Made for you playlists, or is a brand new account needed? I'd have to make a completely new email for the latter.

Hey @mangopit,


Yes, an old unused account is perfectly okay for this test.


Let us know how it goes.

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I have the same issue, I cannot find my "Release Radar" playlist, I also tried search bar and nothing, it disappeared completely from my Spotify. Can you help please?

Hey there,


Thanks for posting in the Community.


We'll need the following info from anyone, who can't find the Release Radar:

  • Where are you looking for the Release Radar, the web player, the mobile or desktop app?
  • If you can't find it on the mobile/desktop app, the version of the app.
  • Are user in your vicinity able to find the release radar?
  • Are you able to find it with an old account on the same device?

Keep us posted,



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To clarify to anyone new in the chain, the original issue isn't that I can't find the Release Radar, but that it's not shown in My Library on the Web Player when I like/save it. On that note...

I'm still listening on my old account (woohoojazelyn) and waiting for Release Radar to be generated, but just to experiment, I tried saving my current mangopit Release Radar on that old account, and strangely, it would also not show up in my woohoojazelyn library when I liked it. But on woohoojazelyn, I am able to save and see other playlists from my mangopit account. So that makes me wonder if this truly is an account-specific issue.

My computer setup is the same as when I first had this issue. The friends who I asked to save and see my Release Radar live quite far from me (different states). I can probably ask someone who lives 10 minutes away to try to replicate the issue for me, if it's somehow a regional issue?

Any thoughts or ideas with that?

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Hey @mangopit,


Thanks for this info.


The behavior you're describing is indeed strange and points to an issue with this specific playlist and not your account. Can you please unlike it and then save it again from Search - Made for you - Discover new music?



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Hello, I did this on my mangopit account on Web Player and I did not see the saved playlist in My Library. Just to cover all bases, I'll see if this issue is something a friend in the area can replicate.

My friend who lives close by was able to save and see my Release Radar on Web Player—probably not a regional thing. Didn't think it was, but it was worth a shot :')

Thanks for double-checking @mangopit,


one more question, in your screenshots it seems like the list doesn't appear in a folder you've created for your recommendations.


Just to be sure, when you open your whole Library does it pop up anywhere in the list of liked playlists?


Do you also have any other issues with syncing any content between platforms like for example using our Connect feature?


We appreciate the time you're putting into investing this, keep us posted.

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New development this Friday morning: I can finally see my Release Radar listed in My Library on Web Player!

I'm unsure what exactly fixed it. The playlist was already liked when I logged in to Web Player this morning, but I followed @MihailY 's advice of accessing Release Radar through Search -> Made For You, and I noticed that the playlist was visible in my list of saved playlists. The fix was probably a combination of those steps, plus waiting for the playlist to regenerate on Friday.

To answer @Elena 's questions, I was checking the entire library list before, and I was not having problems with Connect.

As an aside, I notice the playlist no longer says "Made for [string of letters and numbers]", but instead says "Made for mangopit", as expected.

If anyone knows what exactly fixed the issue from my descriptions, let me know 🙂


Hey @mangopit,


Thank you for your reply and confirmation.

We're glad to hear that everything works as it should for you now 🙂 

If you ever have any other questions in the future, feel free to post in the Community again. 

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