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Your 2023 Wrapped feedback thread

Your 2023 Wrapped feedback thread

Hey there,


Once again, the long awaited Wrapped experience is here! We value the feedback that we receive everyday from our users, so we want to hear all your thoughts on this year's Wrapped:


  • How is your Wrapped experience going?
  • What did you like about it?
  • What did you not like about it?


Can't see your 2023 Wrapped? Check out this guide.


If you're having any kind of technical issue with your Wrapped experience, make sure to create a separate thread in our Help Boards. This will help us keep the reports and the feedback in separate and relevant places.


In addition to this, you can find the Wrapped 2023 FAQ here.

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893 Replies

The song "Fallen For You" by Artist Iwan Rheon ( apparently doesn't has its plays tracked by Spotify. I've been listening to this song A LOT since creating my account (it's my number 1 song on but it has NEVER shown up in my On Repeat playlist, and neither did it show up in my Spotify wrapped 2023.

who change my nickname?

Une de mes playlist que j'adore écouter ne s'affiche plus sur mon profil... quelqu'un peux m'aider à le retrouver s'il vous plaît...

I'm wondering why my Spotify wrapped is very different from the listening data I got from Spotify as various zip files. I analysed my own data to find out the exact milliseconds I listend in different months, and the lists in Spotify wrapped just don't add up to this or my own experience. How can these two datasets be so different? Do you take a sample like one month and then multiply it with 12 or what do you do to get the Spotify Wrapped to look like they do? 

Likes: statistics (about genres, hours listening, listening habits etc). Would love to know more statistics!
Dislikes: the mid november cut-off. It ruins the list for me. Songs I loved are now not in my wrapped. Please change this!!

Note: I use a 3rd party app in which I've uploaded my Spotify data to keep track of statistics so I know for a fact that my list would have been way different if the cut-off was the end of November instead of half November. What I like about wrapped is comparing with friends the reels we get. What I dislike is the actual top 100 list that doesn't resemble my favourites enough.

You can use to upload your spotify data. There's instructions on how to retrieve the neccessary data from Spotify.

@vikipediak, you can use the app to import your spotify data

It would be interesting to see years prior compared to current year. How many minutes listened, top artists, etc

My Question or Issue

Spotify Wrapped displayed my top songs in the wrong language and albums.. 


I primarily listen to songs with Korean and English song titles. One of my top artists of the year Sung Si Kyung (성시경) has songs he's translated to Japanese. I only listened to his Korean songs, but on my Spotify wrapped, some of his songs were displayed in Japanese..


This was a little strange to me b/c he's primarily a Korean artists but for some reason Spotify decided to put some of his Japanese song variants in my spotify wrapped.









iOS, Android, Mac OS

Operating System

(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)



hi  Does the wrapped still avaliable now? cant find the Wrapped Video anymore now TAT

are there any reasons why an artist may not appear on Wrapped? 

I would like to rewatch my wrapped up of 2023 (so I am not looking for the playlist, but the animation slides), but the rainbow button saying “wrapped” is gone. Can I rewatch it please somehow, or download the animation it?

Spotify wrapped has been failing on my phone as long as I can remember.

This due to me changing the animation speed. Spotify knows about this problem but keeps basing the wrapped animation speed on the Android system setting making wrapped to not play at all or play to fast.

I noticed that two Spotify connections have, what appears to be, MY 2023 Wrapped list in their public playlists. I had saved my 2023 Wrapped list for a few months and then deleted it from my account later. I am curious...did they just save my list to their accounts or am I looking at their Wrapped lists but it just reflects my list back at me? 

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