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Accidentily disliked a song on radio


Accidentily disliked a song on radio



I have accidentily disliked a couple of songs on my radio and they will not appear again - is there anyway of editing this and removing all of my "dislikes"? I don't think any of the ones i've actually disliked on the radio i dislike, i just hit the wrong button!


Thank you in advance

68 Replies

IS ANYONE FROM SPOTIFY READING THESE REQUESTS? Literally, this seems like a huge request with the most simple of fixes. ADD A HISTORY BUTTON to ALL DEVICES (not just computer)!!! just let people see what they've listened to. If you have enough data to know which songs I listened to the most last summer (rewind playlists) then why not share it with ME the actual user? I really liked you guys and tend to support the little guy but there are several UI problems like this that make me wanna switch from spotify to apple music. I understand making apps simple for the average user but power users DEMAND more functionality. I would love to hear from somebody from spotify as to why this is so hard. Otherwise as a customer it seems like you simply don't care, and as a smaller company going up against a juggernaut like Apple Music it seems like goodwill from your customers would be more important. I cannot recommend this product to anyone and will start telling friends who are on the borderline to join apple music until this problem is resolved. Shame I'm already locked in to spotify but perhaps I can start manually building my playlists onto other services.

I have to +1 this, truly a terrible programming team...or is it the UX designers? Get your heads out of your asses, Spotify...

I accidently thumbed down a song on a genre radio station that I like a lot. It was not one of my created stations.

this actually works, thanks

looks like they fixed this glitch in the programming. on iOS I queued the song to come up next and it doesn't show the thumbs up/down icons anymore

Exactly, but....why???!! Seriously, why?? This was the only way to correct an accidental dis-/un-like... How was it an improvement to remove this?

well.. if they really did "fix it" on mobile and actually has those songs on generated playlists as well. With the latest version for desktop currently writing this on spotify they still have yet to fix this issue, have found that by going to song radio then putting that song on queue it gives you the two thumbs down and up buttons but it grays out and will not allow you to click on it to change it. 😞

only1realniggashereyaaaaaah sad face.PNG

I second this and it is very frustrating.



Yep! This did it for me. Thanks to artylondo.

It didnt work for me the first time but there just something in the way artylondo said it that made me regain hope and revive my strong efforts! You have it try it several times before it works at least for me. The main trick for me was to switch back to the original cell and play with it for awhile. Another thing that strangely did it was adding the song to queue twice because the first time it didnt work. This feature shouldnt really be like that. The song shouldnt just disappear unless you close the app that way giving you twice the chance and it should also have a confirm option if the person wants it. I dont know why its like that since so many sites and other music apps dont have it this way. For me the issue is that ive been playing with adding songs to the hearts and the option is on the left when its there. so when the thumbs show up its on the left as well. It shouldnt be that way. Somehow I got lucky figured it was unliked. maybe cause the song disappeared from the face of the planet. If anybody needs help Im willing to help.

Thank you for finding this bug as its an appreciated bug/ hack! YAY!

this solution works-- you almost need to fool spotify until it gets confused then the like buttons appear again

... And if you don't remember because the song was in a radio playlist and was deleted from the playlist about 5 seconds after you accidentally clicked the thumbs-down?

I found something that worked for me on iOS. If you know which song you disliked, go to the radio tab and tap the add station icon and search for the song (possibly album, artist, etc. Have not tried those). Once it comes up, tap it and it’ll create a new station from that track, featuring that track, complete with like/dislike buttons. What a headache though.

I take that back, it may add a station for the album. The song is still missing from the song radio. So maybe like 50% right?

Made a community account just to tell you, best solution. Found the song in an instant.
Thanks, good thinking.

FYI: There is a list called Hidden at the end of your "Library" that contains all the disliked songs.

PS: I am not sure if this is a new feature or has been there for a while.



It worked!!!


Thank you


Hi, can't see this link. Could you describe in details where is it?

Hi, can't see this link. Could you describe in details where is it?

Hi, can't see this link. Could you describe in details where is it?

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