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'Add Songs' menu?

'Add Songs' menu?







iPhone 6s

Operating System

iOS 12


My Question or Issue

 Hi everyone,

This morning, I somehow managed to get this 'add songs' menu where I was able to quickly add reccomended songs and listen to samples of them. Since then, I haven't been able to access it. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Thanks in advance!

2 Replies

Hey @Dotwire, welcome to the Community.

Hope you're doing great!


Did this happen in one of your playlists?

Because Recommended Songs show up at the bottom of your playlsits and let you add those songs to that playlist that Spotify's algorithm thinks they're similar to the current ones already on the playlist.


If it wasn't what you're looking for, could you please explain it more?

Happy New Year 🙂

@Loxer thank you for the reply! The reccomended songs is helpful, but I'm thinking of a different menu. I'm not sure exactly how to describe it. There was a list of reccomended songs and I could listen to a soundbite of each and quickly add them by tapping the add song button on the right. There was also a search bar built in to the menu where I could search for and add songs. After I added a song, another menu would appear with songs that were similar to the song that I had just added. I could swipe between the menus.

Thanks in advance for the help!

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