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Album cover not shown for local files on iPhone app


Album cover not shown for local files on iPhone app



I'm unable to see the album cover for my local files on the Spotify iPhone app. However, on my MacBook, I'm able to see the album cover of those files. Anyone knows how to resolve this?


Thanks! 🙂


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This is a known issue with the most recent app. It has been reported and should be fixed in a future version.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Yep, it's a bug in the new version. It should be fixed later on. There is no ETA for the fix at this time.


I have already reported this bug to the iOS developers.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Hello everyone.  Spotify 2.1.0 has been released to the App Store as of this morning. We believe this issue to be fixed in this latest version. Please post here to let us know if the problem persists.

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39 Replies
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This is a known issue with the most recent app. It has been reported and should be fixed in a future version.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Yep, it's a bug in the new version. It should be fixed later on. There is no ETA for the fix at this time.


I have already reported this bug to the iOS developers.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Was this fixed? Because I have the most updated version of the iOS app and still the app is not showing the album art for synced files over wifi. Thanks.


No, this has still not been fixed. It should be fixed in an update soon though. The developers have confirmed as of the recent 1.5 update that they are still working on it. 

MattSudaSpotify Star
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I'm getting a new iPhone next week and @SpotifyCares on Twitter says another new update is coming next week for better iOS 8 support... so maybe if that's true, it might be fixed in that update and I need to resync everything. 


We'll see though. I'll post back later next week and update you guys.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Album art for local files has never shown for me since version 1.0 of the app.


As far as I know, this bug has still not been fixed. The developers are still looking into from what I know.


It really bothers me too. I am keeping track of the problem and as soon as I have more info to share, I will.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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I still have this issue. I wonder if this was forgotten?

So, this WAS fixed I think. Now it's back to not working again. What's going on???? Any news?

Hey guys!

Sorry to hear you're still having troubles.

Just to check, which version of Spotify and iOS are you seeing these troubles on?

I have Spotify Premium running on iOS8. It is an issue on both iphone 5s and ipad 2...

I have Spotify Premium ( running on iOS 8 (8.0.2) iPhone 6plus.

Same problem with iPhone 6.

Hey guys! This problem is still being looked into. I have escalated this several times now. It is indeed being looked at.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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I am having the same issue with iPhone 5S.  Thanks Matt for keeping this active!

I am running iOS 8.1 and Spotify latest version and the issue persists, this was fixed some months but around 2 or 3 months ago it started failing again, so this is a regression of this bug, but it seems Spotify do not take too much attention to local files sync :(, I play spotify song on my iPhone but I also play local files using Spotify so this should be fixed...

Hey @rogersonic this bug is still being looked into. Hopefully it will be fixed in the next update.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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How's everything going with the fix of the bug? 🙂

I was told they are still looking into this bug. 


It's been annoying me for so long! Hopefully they'll finally fix this.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Evety time I get an update, I hope this bug has been fixed.  It's really annoying, but I'm still hopeful.

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