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Audio dip at end of song

Audio dip at end of song




United States


iPhone 14

Operating System

iOS 16.4.1


My Question or Issue

When playing from a playlist, the audio dips out in the last second of the song. It cuts off then fades in very quickly. Sounds almost like a sidechain if that means anything. This has not been happening until the past couple days. For a while it would fix itself if I closed and reopened the app, but that’s stopped working. It does not happen with albums as far as I can tell. I played the same song from both the playlist page and the album/single page and the dip only happened in the playlist. It is not playlist specific, it’s happening on any playlist I play. This is happening with songs I have downloaded, so it’s a problem with the player and not with streaming. I have gapless playback enabled and no crossfade, and the issue is not between songs but within one song itself. It is extremely annoying and is really disrupting my listening experience. Driving me insane. I don’t understand how the player can not function properly. 


Edit: I attached a video example of this happening with multiple songs. Hopefully you can hear it. Very annoying, especially for songs with big endings or transitions into other songs.


Edit again: Also attached a video showing how this only happens in playlist and not in albums or singles.

53 Replies

It’s becoming quite baffling to me how much information we’ve allready provided to aid a solution and how much time has gone by… without ány real updates about the status… I mean, some form of information would be nice, other than “we’re on it”. They’ve been “on it” for months on end.


(I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, but I do wonder when it will finally get fixed.)

Google Pixel 6a

Spotify Version

I also experience this exact issue, it is incredibly frustrating and I've tried turning off and on the different mix and fade settings and nothing seems to work. It happens on every song for me.

iPhone 14, iOS 17 beta 8

Windows 11 PC

This has been happening on all my devices, regardless of the software version of the app or operating system. Hopefully this gets fixed soon, it's super annoying.

Hey Moderators,


Any updates? Is anyone actively trying to attack this issue? Is it in a waiting list? Is it likely there will be a solution in 2023? Any information at all would be much appreciated. 🙂

Hey everyone,


We're unable to provide an exact timeline for a fix at this moment, however, rest assured this will remain on our tech teams' radar and we'll check back in here as soon as we have any new information to share. In the meantime, make sure to always keep the app up to date.


Take care.

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Check if you have "Normalize volume" on! I fixed this issue by turning it off. You'll just have to be careful around your louder songs with no normalization.

I doubt that changing the "Normalize volume" setting can fix the issue for others.  I am having this same problem* on Spotify on my Android phone, and I do not have "Normalize volume" turned on.

Spotify:  This needs to be fixed.  This is unacceptable.  I wonder if Apple Music has audio without glitches....


* EDIT: the same problem or a very similar problem.  There is something messed up, and it doesn't happen just randomly anywhere, it's always in the last 1 or 2 seconds of songs, thus ruining the effect of gapless playback.

Updates enabled: Yes
Crossfade: Off
Gapless: On
Automix: Off
Normalize volume: Off
Volume level: Normal

Apple does not have these issues. Apple is far superior, I dunno why o ever switched over to Spotify!!

My audio bug stopped a few weeks ago. No idea why though. (Probably an update, just happy that it’s gone. This has been going on for way too long.)

If you haven't managed to fix it yet, I tried putting crossfade on with the timer at 0 and automix on and it fixed it. I can't tell if you had both on at the beginning, as some of you said you had at least crossfade at 0 and it still didn't fix, but for me I went through all of the chat changes above and it didn't work until I set it as I said.

oh my god thank you so much, this worked for me as well!
the audio dip at the end of louder songs was driving me crazy, and I've searched it before with no answer, but this fixed it.

Is there any sign of progress? My bug is still coming back every now and then. Can you please give any insight at least why this keeps happening, so we have some kind of information? This has been going on for way, way, wáy too long now. 






iPhone SE 2020

Operating System

iOS 17.4.1

It seems with a recent version of Spotify there has been momentary stutters in the music every few minutes. I did not change anything else in my system.

It has been nearly a year and the issue persists.. it only happens on my phone PC doesn't have this issue. (Android 14)

Will this ever be fixed?

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