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Auto play is not working

Auto play is not working







iphone 11

Operating System

iOS 13.7


My Question or Issue

My Autoplay is not working when I search a song, no follow up / similar songs will play. I've tried the autoplay button in settings, turning my phone on and off, clearing cache and re-downloading the app as well as checking for an update.



45 Replies

Hey there everybody,


Thanks for sharing your experience 🙂


Quickly jumping in here to suggest double-checking the repeat button is not on green while you're testing this.


Might sound obvious but if you find it on green, that would explain what you experienced with the Spotify Autoplay.


In my case (iOS 14.1, Spotify, that did the trick.


We'll look out for your reply. Hope this will be useful.



Mario Moderator
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Um... I had this issue..... I had the repeat button on... whoops


maybe try this

No 🙂

As a recap here is how it exactly goes for me:

 - Type into search field "Terence Sign"

- Search results show: Sign your name, song by Terence trent D'arby

- click song and it starts playing

- After song stops no autoplay, no new music. Even clicking next song button does nothing, not afters song stopped or during it.

- Return  to search results and click same result as previously (already showing, not a new search)

- Song starts and only now does autoplay kick in and new songs start playing after ending or when clicking next button.

Hi there @Sheephead77,

Thanks for the post.


We tried recreating this on our end, but songs play fine when Autoplay is enabled, regardless how the song was started. 


Can you try logging in with your account on a friend's device and see if the app behave s the same way? You can also ask a friend/family member to log in with their account on your device to test this. This will help us understand if the issue is device related or account related.



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Issue occurs on both iPhone and iPad but not on windows laptop client.

Hey @Sheephead77,


Thanks for getting back to us.


Did you have the option to borrow a friend or family members account and see of this behavior still comes up on your iPhone and iPad? This would help us a lot in narrowing down the possible root cause of the problem to either your account or the devices themselves.


Keep us posted!

Mihail Moderator
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We have a non-premium account and same issue with that one. Have to re-select a song in order for autoplay to kick in.

Hey @Sheephead77,


Thanks for keeping in touch.


To check if this is rather device-related, could you give it a try on a different iPhone or iPad if possible, or any other mobile device, and let us know if this behavior persists?


We'd also like to know the Spotify version you're running.


We'll be looking out for your reply.

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brand new iphone 12 mini and after initial install no problem here. However as mentioned earlier on old iphone 8 problem reappeared after a while even though a complete cleanup and reinstall solved problem for a while.

Hi again @Sheephead77,


Thanks for getting back in touch.


Could you try using a different connection on the affected device, like another WiFi network or mobile data, and let us know if the issue persists?


Also, remember to let us know the Spotify version you're running on both iPhones so we can further look into this.


Keep us in the loop.

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Used WiFi or mobile has had no effect on problem., it persists.
However I'm going to stop using old phone now, hoping the problem wont return on new phone.

Hey @Sheephead77,


Thanks for keeping us posted.


We're glad to know that the issue isn't affecting your new phone.


If if comes back or if you need a hand with anything else, we're always a post away.


Have a good one 🙂

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And for fox sake the problem is back. Losing my mind. iPhone 12 mini ios 14.4 spotify

Hey there @Sheephead77


We're sorry to hear that the issue is back on your new phone. 


Would you mind sending over a screen recording where we can take a better look at this? Just attach it to your next response to us by using the Insert Video option in the post editor.


We'll be on the lookout for your reply.


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“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”– Maria von Trapp

Capture attached (Sound is not in sync). As you can see I choose a search result which starts ok, but stops playing when i press next. I then return to results, select it again in order for autoplay to kick in. This does not happen 100% of the time though but more that 70%. Also, sometimes after I have done the reselection a couple of times, that same song works as a charm without having to restart autoplay, when selecting it.

Hey @Sheephead77,


Thanks for the information 🙂


We appreciate you taking the time to try the troubleshooting steps mentioned in the thread and we'll make sure to pass your feedback to the right team.


We're not able to provide an exact timeline for a fix but we'd recommend keeping your app up-to-date. 


If you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We'll be happy to help.


Ver Moderator
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Following up here 5 months later with an update:

Short story? The issue persists.

I have tried clean installs and reinstalls, as suggested, and keep my app and iOS versions up-to-date. (And, no, my repeat button is not on.)

Like others who have posted here, the issue affects me randomly, but persistently. Take, for example, a recent search for the song "Sorry":

If I tap the song "Sorry" by Justin Bieber, nothing plays after the song is finished. The top text reads "'Sorry' in Songs".

If I tap the song "Sorry" by Beyoncé, autoplay engages after the song is finished. The top text then reads "Song radio based on Sorry".

For what it's worth, a clean install did not resolve the issue for me, even briefly. The only reliable workaround that I have found is to tap the "..." menu on a search result, select "Go to radio", then initiate playback from there.

Still hoping for a permanent fix!

Yeah, here is the same problem.
Windows client working good.

What i checked, if a write to the searchbar "Sorry" and play sorry from Justin Bieber, after the song doesnt come a next, but if i tap and other "sorry" song from other artist and going back to Justin Bieber's sorry, after its works.

When i write example: Linkin Park Faint, songs coming automatically after the "faint". If i wanna 100% working state, i need to write the title and artist.



I have the exact same problem. 

It does nor let me to upload screen recording 64mb in size) so here is the iCloud link:


Spotify version: 8.6.12

iPhone 12 mini on iOS 14.5 (18E5164h)

Hey @Aidbal


Thanks for reaching out about this. 


Keep in mind that the right teams are currently looking into this.


While we can't commit to a specific timeline, we'd recommend keeping your app up to date so that you don't miss out on any fix. 


If anything else comes up, you know where to find us. 



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