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BMW Connected Album Art Issue

BMW Connected Album Art Issue

So I have a 2014 BMW X5.

A iPhone 6 Plus.

A month ago I plugged in my iPhone via the USB cable in my dock and I was happy to see full Spotify intergraton on my iDrive.IMG_2066.JPG


Then a few weeks ago after maybe the last update on 12.12.14 or a Carrier Update on my iPhone or some other reason I lost the album art. Everything else works perfictly but it does not display the art.

I've tried Pandora and Amazon Music, both display the Art.

Anyone having this issue??

My app version is


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53 Replies

I'm wondering if there are different updates depending on the model.  I have a 328i and I updated the software awhile ago.  When I download what's on the BMW website and try to update it, it's telling me that my software is current.  My bluetooth album art and song titles from Spotify still don't work.  It's like I said in my last post - I can hear music and see album artwork, but once it goes to the next song or another artist or album it will keep whatever the first artist/album/song title was.  It's been like this ever since I got the car a year ago.  I'm using an iPhone 6 Plus and it did the same thing when I had my iPhone 5s.  It seems like it's working for some people so that's why I'm wondering if there are different versions that are working for some cars, but not others.

Could be, I have a 2014 X5 and I know after the SW update on BMW it fixed the BT streaming.

I see there was a Spotify update yesterday, but have not tried the connected app yet to see if that fixed it.

BTW I have a iPhone 6 Plus.

Are there any news concerning the this topic (Cover at Spotify integration via USB)?

I also have the same issue. Hopefully spotify fixes this issue soon. Please let us know of any updates.


cant believe this isnt fixed.  has anyone had any reply from spotify, i've just filled in the contact form to reigster it as still being an issue.  it used to work for me and then i had an ios and a spotify update during the same week and one or both of those has stopped it working.  my other half plugs her iphone 6 in and it works just fine, so it seems only to be the plus?

I have Mini Connected and also have the issue since November 2014. This is unacceptable!!! It works with a iPhone 6 but not with a iPhone 6 plus. I have all the relevant updated software and even tried ios 8,3. It seems as if BMW is very slow to come to the party, or Spotify is ignoring this problem. Sad, as this small issue is making me hate Spotify in my Mini....

Just so you know, BMW had a software update and now you can use Bluetooth to stream Spotify with Album Art as well as iHeart Radio and any oher service. While I agree having the phone plugged in for Spotify and all the extra features is great, I'm OK with it over BT. But I have the 6 Plus and the update that broke the Album Art was back in mid December so they just don't want to fix it. Speaking of not fixing it, the BMW Online Weather Widgets are still not working, so no one wants to update and fix their software....

Hi. Thanks for the info, but there is no update for my car. I check every day!!!! I honestly don't think its spotify's fault, but rather the Mini interface and app. It hardly ever gets updated and its primative if you look where things like carplay is going!!! It spoils my spotify experience it I compare it to my other car brands interface.

I don't agree, the interface is great when it works properly on my 2014 bmw
1 series. I have deezer also and that works perfectly. I think spotify
needs an update or to remove the functionality if it is poorly implemented.

Spotify has its own App on Connected Drive that when plugged into the USB allows access to the app with the cars controls. What ever app you are speaking of might work, but we all are speaking of Spotify and not getting the Album Art to show up when plugged in. Other apps like Pandora will function when plugged in and show Album Art so its a Spotify issue on the iPhone 6 Plus for sure...

exactly this, used to work perfectly pre December. It now works perfectly except for album art, although you can see the album art in thumbnails when choosing albums, just not on the now playing screen. I logged a ticket with support who emailed me back to tell me to reinstall the app which of course I already did when it first started happening. I'll post some pictures of what I mean tomorrow, but think someone already did on this thread earlier on.

I posted this pics as I'm the guy that started this thread.

I think the experience tends to change based on the type of phone you have an the car you have because it seems like responses are all over the map.  I have a 2014 328i and an iPhone 6 Plus - I've updated my car with the latest firmware file available on the BMW website.  When the Spotify app was first released for the car album art worked fine, but since January or so album artwork will not show up.  Funny thing is it will show up in the Playlist thumbnails, just not on the main screen.


Bluetooth is another story - none of my apps (Spotify, Pandora, Amazon) will show up correctly when playing through Bluetooth.  Most will show the album art and title for the first song you play, but then it stays there for each successive song.  Pandora works sometimes, but not like it should.  This was the same when I had an iPhone 5S when I first got the car.


When I get a chance I'm going to try my wife's iPhone 6 just to see if I get different results.


Really wish that #1 - BMW would make this Bluetooth thing a priority to get fixed.  If they're going to include it as a feature on the car then you expect it to work right and #2 that Spotify would fix the album art issue as it seems like it shouldn't be that hard to fix.


I had a weird qurik with the Wells Fargo app on my 6 Plus for a few months where I couldn't deposit checks online and it finally got fixed about a month ago.  It seems like something in the code for the 6 Plus is messing with certain apps.

I think you're right. All I've read about this issues seems to be an iPhone 6 plus issue. I also have the 6 plus and 2013 535i and have experienced the exact same problem. It worked fine at first, then the album art quit working. Hope this gets fixed soon.

The Bluetooth experience is the same for me with album art and track name
sticking on the first thing you play. However on music synced with iTunes
and dare I say it with the deezer app it still works perfectly so again I
think this is the spotify app that needs fixing rather than the car.

Your experience of the thumbnails showing but not on the now playing
screen matches
mine. How do we escalate this issue past first line support who just tell
us to reload the app? I've got a ticket open at the moment and will keep
pushing it if I can.

I have the same problem in my F30 2015 M Sport.

Yesterday I updated my media firmware, I have an iPone 6plus 8.2 iOS, and Spotify v2.7.0.1943.

When I use BT the album artwork is displayed but with limited options, when i plug to the USB i get the complete options but with the album artwork missing. 😞

Hi There,


I have  BMW 520 F11 and the iPhone Plus Setup.


Unfortunately i have the same issue like you guys. But when I plug in my iPhone 5S everthing just works fine.


This problems realy bore me to tears!!!

This issue is still not fixed, and can be fixed by spotify app itself, as it works perfectly with deezer and now with the new Tidal music app.


Same problem! No artwork still on iPhone 6 plus. Been too long for problem not to be fixed. Probably moving to Beats once Apple rereleases it. Thanks anyway

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