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Can't find my public playlist

Can't find my public playlist


Family Premium




PC & phone

Operating System

Windows 10, OS X & Android


My Question or Issue

I have made a playlist about a concert, it is public by default, but there is no way to find it using the search menu. This issue is not caused because it doesn't have any followers yet, because I can find similar playlists with cero followers, and those other playlists don't even have the correct list of songs.

What am I doing wrong?

I have already seen this issue in the blog, but it was closed without a solution.

2 Replies

Hi there!!!

I have had this problam before and what i did to solve it is search for another playlist by you that comes up than go to your playlists through that play lists like

Screenshot 2019-04-30 at 8.11.38 AM.png

Screenshot 2019-04-30 at 8.11.28 AM.pngScreenshot 2019-04-30 at 8.11.23 AM.png

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