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Download button missing

Download button missing


I have Spotify Premium on an Iphone and I have activated the download function.

However, when I select an artist in my library, the download butto is missing.

Thanks for your help

7 Replies

Hey @Lip2 and welcome to our Community!


Could you send us a screenshot of this? We'll take a deep look. Also, let us know the device and operating system you're using.


Keep us posted.

  • Im having the same issue I updated to IOS before and had to issue finding my offline library 

Same **bleep**, it happen today. And the problem star with the IOS update too

WhatsApp Image 2018-01-19 at 08.07.11.png

This is such a pain in the **bleep**. Previously I could see all downloaded LPs on one screen by going into the downloaded section. Now it also displays LPs where I've saved one song onto a playlist. Crazy decision, and something I will cancel over. 

Recently upgraded to iPhone X and new operating system, and now I’m having same issue. I need a button where I can access all the files I’ve downloaded. Please bring it back!!

Really “moderator”? You didn’t see the other thread with a ton of people complaining? There’s probably 5 threads on it already that I’ve seen. 

Now they want to loook “deep” into it smh

I've been waiting since december for this problem to get fixed.  I'm getting rid of my spotify subscription and moving to apple music if this isnt' fixed by the time this current month billing cycle is over (which is in around 3 weeks).  I like spotify, but the download button missing seems like an easy fix... If you won't pay attention to small details like this, you'll lose more customers besides me. 

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