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Exploring new ways of adding items to "Your Library"


Exploring new ways of adding items to "Your Library"

Hey there folks,


Our design team has started exploring new ways to add items to "Your Library". This is why we'd love to hear your feedback on the new implementations, because those changes are done with the goal to better your experience on our platform.


The design may differ in either having a heart symbol or a plus sign with other subtle differences.


If you're part of this undertaking, post your constructive feedback in this thread and the relevant team will review it. 



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519 Replies

Seems like everyone is explaining my problem with great detail so I’ll just add that I think this change was not a good one. It’s too tedious to “like” songs now. What used to take one press now takes two. I don’t even want to go through the process of “liking” several songs when listening to an album for the first time now. It’s not a great user experience in the slightest. 

Bring back the old method of “liking” songs and adding songs to playlists. There was literally nothing wrong with it.

Agree with many of these comments. The user experience has slowly trended downward over the past 2-3 updates. It is too hard to do simple things, like "Like" a song, add a track/pod to your listening queue, or flipping through countless screens to find what you are looking for. We won't even go into the Hi-Fi myth that has reached legendary status right beside the Yetti and the Boogyman.

I like Apple Music’s take on liked songs. It doesn’t save it to a playlist, and than beat you to death by playing it repeatedly. I don’t need or want a separate playlist of liked songs. It makes no sense to have it that way. I just create a mix of the songs I like. 

The liked songs playlist was one of those small things that made spotify useful for me (in the mobile app setting).  The last thing I want is 3 clicks replacing 1, and more playlist management.  Likewise, removing the sort functions in playlist view on the desktop app again makes it less powerful than the alternative service (in the full desktop setting). Furthermore, Why force users to utilize playlists primarily and then kneecap their ability to manage them in the desktop app!  The only useful improvements in the last ~2 years has been the icon to scroll quickly in the mobile app, and the more pronounced iconography when toggling shuffle and repeat.  


I REALLY want to stay with Spotify, but the friction to simply starting a song and not being interrupted by: the UI, constant changes in the UI, lesser functionality, a song that keeps playing after attempting to hide it, a repeated song (that on average ill hear 2-3 times a day in spite of a ~1,000 song playlist on ahem "shuffle", or the lack of a default "smart" playlist that lets me open the app and hit play without additional decisions (aka my liked songs, which is the single best feature of the service).  



Feedback - really don’t like this change as I can no longer see which songs I’ve liked on a playlist

Hi, I just noticed I have the new plus sign thingy instead of a heart and I find it very inconvenient.


When it was the heart I could just tap the heart and it was added to my liked songs album and automatically downloaded.


With this new plus sign it doesn’t work like that. Even if I press the plus sign and choose to add it to my likes songs it doesn’t actually add it. 

I prefer the heart and would like some help figuring out how to add songs to my liked songs with just one click. 

I really don’t like the plus sign so far.






I don't like some changes that have been made recently : 


- The songs that I add to a playlist automatically get "liked". I have a big playlist in which I add all the songs I do like and those that I MIGHT like, which I listen to later and then delete off the playlist if I don't like it, or if I like it, add a heart and put it in more specific playlists. Now I don't know which songs I've already "classified" and have to check each time if it's already part of another playlist. 


- You can't see the heart next to the song title anymore. Again, it was helpful to make a difference with songs you like or not. 


- I can't add a whole album to a playlist, I have to add each song individually. 


- I can't add songs from my local files to a playlist, I have to do it through the computer, which I rarely use, especially for Spotify. 


- I can't add the same song several time to a playlist. It's possible on the computer but not on the phone. It was good like before when you asked if we really want to make it double in the same playlist. 


All of these are annoying, I hope you can bring it back like before please 🙂 

You've ripped out my heart.  It's so quick/convenient to 'like' a song while walking/running/ etc., auto-collect it into 'liked songs' and either sort it later or let it stay where it landed. I for one don't even consider 'liked songs' a playlist- just a holding bin.  Please restore pronto and delete the extra step!

Won't show me which songs i've liked anymore! I love having the heart button there. Please bring it back! To me, this is taking away a useful feature that helps me see which songs i've liked

There are several reasons why this causes negative impact on the user experience such as:


  • one click UX vs multiple clicks to accomplish the same function
  • no longer the ability to Heart an album to add it to library. Instead it auto hearts all songs on an album
  • no longer the ability to easily see the which songs have been previously liked on an album / playlist which previously had a heart icon beside the song title 

This is an improper change to a primary function which is now missing. Please bring back the Heart. 

Edit: This now only happens sometimes, and I don't really know what causes it.


I can't even add songs to my liked playlist on mobile anymore. This is going to be a pain to describe, so I hope I'm doing a good job. When I click the plus button to add to any playlist, the checkmark shows that it's already staged to be added to my liked playlist. When I click "done", there's no toast that shows up saying "changes were saved/songs added", the window just closes and when I go to check my liked playlist it's not there. It doesn't matter if I deselect it, then select it again. It won't get added and a toast won't appear. If I choose to click another playlist, the check mark will appear showing that's it staged to be added, and when I click "done" the song will be added to it as intended (the toast appears that changes were saved), but that only works for every playlist besides my liked playlist. Actually now that I'm typing I realize that the solution is to just add the songs to a temporary liked playlist, until yall fix this. It's a little frustrating that I have to do this, but I guess I can just add them to my liked songs on desktop later...

hey there,

I really liked the heart button! When searching for a playlist it allowed me to see which and how many songs in it I had already liked. It's also really annoying to add songs to my 'liked songs' now. I much preferred the old way with the heart button, I hope you guys go back to it.

Hello- I have lost the ability to “add to playlist” for songs and albums on mobile which I’m learning is a part of this experiment. My constructive criticism is that I hate this and it is very frustrating! Please undo this posthaste

I use the like button as my one big playlist that spans all my favorite genres and decades. Now i cannot add to it when i discover something new. Please bring it back.

Why bother with something that already works so well? 

Please bring back the like button and heart symbol on liked songs! I use the like button all the time to save songs without having to put in the extra thought of deciding what playlist it should go in. Adding to the liked songs playlist now takes 3 taps instead of 1 and takes away from the ease that the old design had that I appreciated. I don’t want to have to waste time when a new banger comes on ya knowww!!!

The option to add an entire album to a playlist is gone, and that was a feature I used every day. Please bring ist back!




Plan: Premium Duo
Phone: iPhone XR

You’ve just completely broken the like button feature. I used to use it as a way to mark songs to add to other playlists. I pull Spotify curated playlists like release radar, discovery weekly and mixes into a personal playlist so they’re all together in one place to listen through and then use the like button for any songs I liked and wanted to add to other playlists later. Now that feature is completely broken as any songs “in your library now show up with the heart symbol even if they aren’t in your liked songs. Makes it a pain as you now have to add songs into playlists manually instead of having a quick “bookmark” button. You also can’t just like a song now, you have to add it to a playlist and then choose liked songs. The feature to add a song to multiple playlists at once is welcome but it needs to be in addition to the like button and not combined. In my screenshots songs marked as downloaded are in my liked songs, those not marked are not, yet a song I have not liked has the heart displayed on the player screen. I don’t know how this wasn’t considered in development because it makes user experience horrible. 




I am missing the option of adding an album as a playlist because then I can not sort it in custom folders anymore. I like to discover new music and usually collect a current (~half a year) set of albums I like and want to listen to. This way I create kind of a timeline of 'my' music. I was adding albums as playlists to custom folders. This is not possible anymore and I cannot sort the albums the way I want. This is a catastrophe for me. 


Thanks for listening and your help. 


Best, Arne

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