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Exploring new ways of adding items to "Your Library"


Exploring new ways of adding items to "Your Library"

Hey there folks,


Our design team has started exploring new ways to add items to "Your Library". This is why we'd love to hear your feedback on the new implementations, because those changes are done with the goal to better your experience on our platform.


The design may differ in either having a heart symbol or a plus sign with other subtle differences.


If you're part of this undertaking, post your constructive feedback in this thread and the relevant team will review it. 



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519 Replies

I just changed my phone and I no have longer the plus button and I want it back 😅

It was s-o much easier to make playlists

Can you add me back in the program?

Or can you at least make a button for those who want to join beta testing  future of the app?



 Don't remove the heart button

 Just add a long press to behave like the plus button

I could not agree more with this post. Please bring it back. 

Hundreds of us posted for over a month asking for the like button back and Spotify finally listened. 

If you eventually do choose to listen to the people asking for this new “plus” button. PLEASE DO NOT REPLACE THE LIKE BUTTON WHEN YOU DO SO. 


They are not mutually exclusive, there is enough screen real estate to have both. You have the chance to keep everyone happy here 🙂

Also since the update has been removed I’ve been reminded of how frustrating it is when you tap a playlist by accident when you’re trying to add a song somewhere else and you have to then find that playlist in your library and go into it, just to remove the song. 
I don’t mind having to click ‘…’ then ‘add to playlist’ - it’s adding to one playlist at a time, blindly and without any kind of ‘undo’ function that is really tedious. And the fact that the playlists reorder after you add to them makes it extra confusing (something I hated when it first got introduced) but the tick boxes helped with that too. I wish there was a way to opt back in to the trial, losing it feels like a massive step backwards.

I really hope you continue working on this, I much preferred the new + button and found it extremely useful because it allows you to add a song to multiple playlists. With the like button not only does it take more steps to add a song to playlists but you also have to tap the … button, then the add to playlist button, then a playlist, and repeat over and over until you’ve added it to all the playlists you want. It is much nicer to be able to select multiple playlists; I would hope that at least that feature is added. Perhaps you could have a like button as well as an add button in a new spot



at first i found the change annoying because, as others have already mentioned, having liked songs visually marked on each song was helpful. however as i kept using the system, i realized it was what i had wanted for a while.


i have many playlists and i’ve wanted to know for a while which songs were already in other playlists so i could better track how songs are distributed. having the list of which playlist a song is in was useful for me.


i would appreciate it if this were a feature that could be toggled on and off in the future. that way people who like it can keep using it and those that don’t don’t have to. 

in general, providing the ability for a user to track data across their listening habits would be very nice.


have a nice day!

I loved the function to add a song to several playlists at once

It seems like we all liked the tick option to add a song to multiple playlists at once, shame you got rid of that feature with no warning...

Previously, I was able to add my playlists to my homescreen just by selecting the three dots next to the "add collaborator" button, and then scrolling down to find it. 

But recently (i just noticed today) they just disappeared? And on top of that, I can't add anymore to ny home screen. 

It's mostly just the aesthetics and how easy it was to access those playlists without opening the app, but its annoying. 


Was there an update where this was removed?? Or is it just my app? 


If it helps at all, I have a Samsung S9+ and premium. I've already checked the "add widgets" section, and the only option is the spotify player - which i already have. 


Additional option to like an entire Album, which would add the album to a browsable collection of albums, or to play/shuffle from as an entire playlist.


One downside of listening through Spotify is the loss of any tangible album collection function besides 'like', which treats the album as merely a list of tracks in a greater playlist and less like a distinct creative work. The ability to distinguish a liked song and liked album would allow users to curate a record collection, distinct from their list of most recently liked songs. 

Please bring back the feature that allows you to see what playlists songs are in. It's so tedious to search a song playlist-by-playlist.


For a period of time, when I clicked "Add to Playlist", there was either a plus sign or checkmark to the right of each playlist. The plus sign indicated a song wasn't yet in the playlist and the checkmark indicated that it was. As someone who creates a lot of new and evolves existing playlists, this feature was so helpful to the process. 


Before I had this feature, my primary complaint about Spotify was that you couldn't easily determine what playlists a specific song was in. By comparison, Apple Music has always had this feature.


Please bring it back!

I loved this feature, but now it’s gone.  Why?  I desperately want it back.  

Hi! I just had a quick suggestion for the app. A little bit ago when you would search a song and click add to playlist, there was a small green circle next to each of the playlists where that song was already added. With a recent update about a week or so ago, that went away. A lot of people liked that change before it was taken away and I wanted to make it known to see if that message could be relayed to the UI development team! I absolutely loved the feature with the checks next to the playlist, and so did over 5,000 students at SDSU. I am begging you, along with all of the students who agreed with me, to bring that feature back and keep it forever. PLEASE!!! It was SO BRILLIANT😂💪🏾

Hey folks,


As the main post states, Spotify was testing new ways of adding items to Your Library.
The changes have now been reverted but be sure that we're keeping an eye on the feedback and it is not going unnoticed. Thank you for providing it 🙂
We're hoping that the changes you liked and want to see again will come back, but in the meantime, if you feel like doing so, we'd encourage you to also leave your vote to this Idea here.




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I never had that check mark option to add and know what playlists the song is in, but it does sound like a brilliant idea. In the meantime, I am at least happy that my UI was brought back to where is was, and should be. Remember, communication is key! Thank you 

I loved that button and now that its gone and i cant have it back it sucks and now gotta add the song to a singular playlist one at a time and gets annoying 

I personally would prefer to keep the functionality of the heart symbol, but expand it:

- like before, it should always be visible that a song has been liked, e.g. when looking at an album

- there could be a function to LONG press the heart button, which would then cause a popup to show up to allow the user to assing a star rating (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, with 5 being best). The star rating will allow Spotify to make much better Discover Weekly suggestions. Spotify can then also auto-generate playlists containing only 5 star, 4 star, 3 star songs.

- I am having a LOT of problems with hearts not showing up in some places. I have reportet this problem time and time again, but nobody cares even though it is a huge issue. I have been told all kinds of stuff like re-install app, clear cache etc, but the problem comes back always. I really expect that when I like a song, that this marking (the heart) will show up on ALL devices, in ALL situations where the song is shown. And no, this is NOT about doublicate songs. It's just some issue with spotify not being able to make sure that songs that are in the LIKED playlist will ALWAYS show up with a heart, no matter where. It is profoundly annoying when I look at an album and two songs have a heart, when in fact it is FOUR songs from THIS particular album that have a heart, and believe me it is THESE songs, not of some doublicate album or sth like that. It's a huge problem and you need to fix this, FINALLY, and not tell users to clear their cache or log in and out, or reinstall the app. This is NOT the solution. The problem occurs across devices (iPhone, Mac). It makes not sense to try to improve a feature before fixing its already existing issues.


Thank you.




Also, there is a cool feature in Spotify that will create up to six playlists by using factor analytical statistics, the Daily Mixes. These are excellent in that they create music of similar kind.

I would appreate a function to do a factor analysis of ANY playlist, dividing it into up to 6 sub-playlists, each of which would contain similar tracks...

I feel like I should clarify that my primary issue with the test we were all included in, was that I could no longer add a full album to a playlist. That functionality didn't move somewhere, it just disappeared entirely. I actually don't have a strong opinion on the heart vs the plus button, and as long as they don't take away the "add album to playlist" functionality in the future I'm fine with whatever is decided about those buttons.

I can't see the little dots that allow me to add podcasts to my queue from my "New Episodes" page on iOS anymore (see image). They're visible on all songs, when I click the podcast episode and when I select "See all episodes."  I've been through the normal troubleshooting process with two agents and we (they) finally came to the conclusion that it's an issue with the new Enhance feature. I also had an issue using the mobile app to control my desktop app with the "genre" and "mood" filters, songs would stop playing and I couldn't choose a song without first closing the filter.* I've not had any other issues regarding the liking of songs or anything like that but I truly do enjoy seeing the hearts all over; the more the better and I prefer clicking a like button to swiping a song or anything along those lines. 

*I realize this may not be the right place for this but I really do like the mobile apps "genre" and "mood" filters at the top of my Liked Songs page and I'd love to see them on my desktop app too.

I listen from an iPhone 13 and a Windows 10 desktop pc.


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