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Fix request

Fix request

I would like to know if you can fix spotify so you can filter for a song and then delete that song in a playlist, I use to be able to do this but the past two upgrades have removed this nice function. Thank you
14 Replies

Hi there! When discussing filter, are you talking about searching for a song? If so, yes, this feature still exists - just use the search field at the top left.

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Hey @Brianre76 


In the 1.7 update for iOS, the ability to search for a song, and then swipe left to delete it, has been removed.


Currently the only way to remove a song is to click the "..." at the top right of a playlist, tap on edit, and scroll through until you find the song and click the minus button to remove it.


A lot of people have been accidentally deleting songs because of the easy swipe action. I think that's why the removed it.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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So I have a playlist with 3000 songs and spotify expects me to look through the entire list to find one song I want to delete . In a program that doesn't make sense . How about putting the delete fiction in the "....." So I don't have to search through all the songs to delete one.

You can hit on the "..." button and click on edit and hit the left screw key to delete the song you want
Meet Jeremy! | Day Entrepreneur, Night, Music Fanatic
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But you can't filter for a song name and then delete it

oh yes, I realised this problem too, i'll escalate this problem to Spotify - you will hear back from them shortly.

Problem Directions:
1) Go to your playlist
2) Click on the ".." button and click on "edit"
3) Try to scroll up and hit the filter bar (you can't do so!)
4) Roadblock!

Meet Jeremy! | Day Entrepreneur, Night, Music Fanatic
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  • Write what matters in your heart to others, you never know whether you have another chance again.

Thank you that is all I needed to hear that fixing it was going to be looked into, thank you for the response

The current workaround advised is:

New way to filter and delete should be:

1: filter
2. tap "..." next to song
3: tap on "remove from playlist" or whatever

I don't think you have ever been able to tap on "edit playlist" and then use the filter at the same time because it inteferes with the UI.
Meet Jeremy! | Day Entrepreneur, Night, Music Fanatic
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  • Write what matters in your heart to others, you never know whether you have another chance again.

@jeremygoh No, there is no way for you to do that.


The method:


"1: filter
2. tap "..." next to song
3: tap on "remove from playlist" or whatever"


is what I want the devs to make happen


Currently you cannot do that.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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There's a potential problem to that though,

What if you want to do delete multiple tracks at the same time, how many times would the user need to hit the "..." and the "Edit" button?
Meet Jeremy! | Day Entrepreneur, Night, Music Fanatic
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  • Write what matters in your heart to others, you never know whether you have another chance again.

Ahhh it's hard to explain what I mean but it would be super simple without problems. 

MattSudaSpotify Star
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@MattSuda prob you skype me directly and tell me lol if not we're going around in circles here.



OH I THINK I GET THE CONCEPT - so it means it will appear in the "add the playlist" menu with a small little link at the bottom that says that it will remove from playlist, is it?


If that's what you meant I think its a good idea - if otherwise, than it'll be pretty messy.

Meet Jeremy! | Day Entrepreneur, Night, Music Fanatic
I'm here to shuffle!

  • Write what matters in your heart to others, you never know whether you have another chance again.

Yes, that's what I mean. That way the old way of tapping "edit" and deleting the regular way works, but you can also bring up the "..." menu on a song to remove it. That way after using the filter in a playlist, you can easily remove a song from a playlist. 

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

THANK YOU for mentioning this idea. I have huge playlists due to adding new music to listen to later, some that I end up not loving. This option would make a lot of lives easier.

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