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I'm a premium user. But I still get ads?

I'm a premium user. But I still get ads?

I am a confirmed premium user but I'm still getting ads.
148 Replies

Same here in Belgium ..

Great... so basically, podcast will have Ads from Spotify, but not music...







It would be great if we try to share this in social media to see if we can push them to stop with this bs.

Dear Elena, thank you for your response.

During Podcasts. We understand if podcasters pre-record ads into their videos then this must be accepted but Spotify is intentionally placing ads during shows. We pay specifically so extra ads are not included. I look forward to your response.

Are there any alternatives to Spotify to listen to podcasts? Seems pointless to pay to listen to the incredibly inane adds

I can also validate that I'm getting ads on podcasts as a Premium user. These are not ads from the podcast, but built into the Spotify app on my mobile device. This is only happening during podcasts and not music from what I have experienced.

Same problem here. TERRIBLE user experience.

I am having this problem too. I checked and I have the  premium package too.

i have a premium subscription. i decoded

to try a podcast called "heavyweight". immediately ads vegan, first an obnoxious, very loud ad for a religious band, then an ad for apple card. i cannot stop the ads, so i want to delete my choice of that podcast. I want nothing to do woth any podcast that starts iff with thise ads. but i can't. it only lets me pause, not skip, not delete my choice. it's just staying there paused on an ad. what can i do to stop this? i am never, ever going to choose that podcast again. super bummed spotify. 

I just changed from a premium account to a family plan yesterday and now I am getting ads on all my podcasts and they cannot be fast forwarded. I got the family plan because I want to use Spotify for podcasts since Stitcher is gone, but with these ads that cannot be skipped, it is worse than the free podcast apps. How can I fast forward them or get rid of them?

I need help with my acct. I'm a premium customer but I am hearing adds. 

I’m getting this too and it is highly annoying. I’ve been a premium user for years and it’s only just started

Please read carefully before you reply with unhelpful generic answers or suggestions. Yes I’ve logged out and back in and checked all my login details are correct. I’ve been a Spotify premium member for 6 years. I listen to only 1 podcast. They have 155 episodes so far and I put an episode on each night before sleep. Every single episode starts with an ad. It is not a podcast sponsored or ad read ad. It is a ad seperate from the podcast. The podcast will not even start until after the ad is finished. I had a god damn McDonald’s advert tonight go “Buh dah Buh ba bah”. I do not pay $18 a month for premium to listen to ads every single time I open a podcast. Sometimes an ad will play half an hour in to my podcast. Sort this trash out immediately spotify or slash the cost of my plan in half. You’re not taking my money and still forcing me to listen to ads, making more money off me. Sort it out. Cheers.

It’s been days and no response. I want an explanation now. I don’t give a **bleep** that we are all peasants to you, answer my god damn questions. I pay you, we all pay you. You work for us, the customer. Don’t ignore me because you have no excuse for this **bleep**. Own your mistake and fix it.

Hey There I Tried Logging Out But It Goes Back To Page That Says I Can’t Get App . I Don’t Know What To Do. I Tried Since Dec.13 2023. Still Get Ads And Can’t Download. Thanks 

I’m getting ads on my Premium plan. It’s friggin annoying. I’ve tried everything. Can y’all please fix this?

I have the same issue. Listening to music or podcasts. I get adds and I can’t pass them. No reason to pay if I am still getting the ads. Makes no sense. 

I am a confirmed premium user and I get ads when I change my music.

I have paid for a premium account and I feel that your "premium account" is very misleading.

😞  I do not want any ads  😞

I am getting actual ads that aren’t a part of the podcast audio…they come up as a two seperate little 39 second ads similar to YouTube…this is crazy considering I pay for premium. I understand when podcasters include ads in the audio file to make money but this is clearly Spotify ads

Hii I have the same problem... I have a premium account but suddenly I get adds (on all my devices) how can I fix this?

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