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Save To Your Music

Save To Your Music

I just now updated my iOS App. I was so used to simply "Starring" a track when I wanted quick access to it, but now that feature is gone. I now click the + when I want to save a song and it tells me it has been "Saved to Your Music" but from there I have no idea where to find it.
I'm reading all over about users going to "Songs" and "Artists" under "Your Music" but I can't find any of those on my app.
Any help would be appreciated because as of now I miss my old app.
1 Reply

Your Music is not available on the iPad yet..

If you're using an iPhone - click on the menu button on the top left and you'll see "My Music", you can swipe left and right to see songs and artist.

If you still can't see it, kindly update your Spotify applicaiton by reinstalling it (uninstalling and installing it again..)
Meet Jeremy! | Day Entrepreneur, Night, Music Fanatic
I'm here to shuffle!

  • Write what matters in your heart to others, you never know whether you have another chance again.

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