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Some artists missing from the "following" list

Some artists missing from the "following" list

I noticed that there are some artists that I follow who do not appear in the "following" list of my profile.

This is a problem when I forget the name of some of my followed artists and I don't find them no longer on the list, loosing this way the possibility to listen to him forever!


Someone else has the same problem? How can I solve it? there is no other way to access the full list of all my artists?


many thanks in advance

25 Replies

Hi, Have you tried to log out then into the app?


I'll ask around and see if this is a known issue.



Also, please could you provide the exact version number of the app?




I restart the application but anything has changed. I verified tthat, for exemple, I follow Chromatics but they are not into the list

and btw I currently use the program on my macbook, it's not the app

I'm also using the macbook application and have the same problem. currently I'm following 248 artists but I can see only 145 on the list:(



I have the same problem here in Belgium. I'm following 432 artists but I can't see all of them in the list. That's a pity, because in Deezer you can see the FULL list of artists that you follow...


My account number is 1111163872.




I think I know why this is happening to you. I had the same issue for quite a while, I believe this happens because some artists have a Spotify profile like Digitalism while some others like Feist don't, so only the ones with a Spotify profile show up in your following list (I think, not 100% sure).


I fixed this problem by simply starring the first song on the artists discography so they will be added to my starred songs list in my profile. This won't really fix your problem if you're also not getting the news from the artist that doesn't show up on the list's feed, but, if all you want is to keep a list of your fav artists so you can remember them later just by scooping around your profile, this will do it for you, like it did for me.


Until further notice from Spotify regarding this, I don't know any better solutions.



I'm having the same problem u_u, on all of my devices with spotify, my mac, my pc laptop and my android phone. Any solutions?

recently started using Spotify, so far so good, but following artists and saving albums is important to me, since that's the point of using Spotify for me and if that part is not working properly, why keep track of things that can't be tracked and personalized.


I follow a lot of artists and also have saved (not downloaded) albums of these and also non-followed artists.

Some of these artists and albums don't show up again in my "Your Music" section under Artists and Albums, they appear in "Recently Played" if I have listened to these.


My specific example is for Artist: Biréli Lagréne

(not trying to promote the artis here, but that's how I noticed)

I click follow, then save some of the albums (all actually) and the next time I m using Spotify the artist is not followed and the albums are not saved, (I have downloaded one Album to test if that cements the artist and album into my list?, just to see what happens)

Yeah I'm also having this problem. Artists that I have followed are not listed as "following" under my artists tab and unless I've saved music by them they don't even appear under my artists tab. This is annoying because I follow a lot of artists and don't always save music by them. I've tried tweeting to @spotifycares and they asked me what OS and Spotify version I'm using. They asked me to do a battery pull and reboot my phone, this didn't help. They then asked me to uninstall and reinstall Spotify, and this not only did nothing, but caused problems with the app no longer saving music to my SD card. I managed to fix THAT problem but I'm still having problems with artists that I follow that aren't actually being followed. This is very annoying to me.

It's a fairly major limitation of Spotify. This and the 10k song limit. Both fairly widely recorded but Spotify don't seem to be in a rush to sort these things out.
I have to use another streaming site as well which doesn't have this limitation, but then the other site don't have the email updates for artists followed that Spotify have. I store my artists on the other, follow them in Spotify, and often find that missing albums on one might be on the other...
Shame really but there is no single solution found for me in the streaming market yet.
But both Spotify and the other are better than Apple Music for choice and features, that's for sure... So far...

Hi guys,


I'm experiencing the same problem here ...


A bug that that has not been solved for many years (quite annoying and easy to solve) is not a bug ... it's a FEATURE !


What better way to lock users to spotify than hidding them the list of the artists they like ... no backup possible, no migration possible.


Maybe if we make enougth noise, there will be change.


Any way don't count on spotify to save the list of artist you like ...

Maybe someone with enougth time and motivation can try to get some fix with the web API ...


Don't know

I've just cancelled my premium upgrade due to this, very frustrating. I've tried @spotifycares support but after much fiddling around and creating a second account not got a solution. Around 40% of artists are missing from the followed artists list. In my profile it says i am following over 500 artists, but my followed artist list only contains 300 (yes, i counted!) Always the same ones too, among them Cocteau Twins, Pop will east itself, Wedding present, Thundercat. If I search them they show as followed, but then say "follow" on the artist page. It's a shame, but this bug makes Spotify pretty useless to me.after much fiddling around and creating a second account. I would love to know if there's a proper fix! Do other apps for running spotify do this too?

I just had a reply from @spotifycares. You know about when you leave a bug in long enough it becomes a feature? That.

"We're afraid not all of the artists that you follow will appear under Your Music > Artists, especially if you follow a large number of them. If you save music by them though, they will show in there. We hope that makes sense? We'd be happy to pass on any feedback you have to the right folks! /E"

So the work around works, but you have to save some music by every artist you follow for them to stay in your followed artist list. Shame they can't just fix the bug instead...

They really need to fix this bug immediately. I too follow a large number of artists and I'm constantly losing them under Your Music > Artists. It's difficult trying to mentally retain such a high number of artists when trying to put together playlists. I pay for a premium account so why shouldn't I be able to view all of the artists I follow? It doesn't make any sense to me. I'm really starting to question whether or not the subscription is worth it. I feel like I'm paying for a broken service.

I'm having exactly the same issue, this is one of those reasons why I don't even bother buying Spotify Premium. If I can not even see all the artists I'm currently following. On Spotify Web Player I can see that I'm following 13 artists in total, yet Spotify iOS app only shows 9 of them.


iOS 9.3.2 Developer Beta 1

Spotify 5.3.0

I have the same problem. it is very annoying...maybe I am going to cancel my premium because I think they don't care it. I hate the spotify polition about how they manage those things, they are just interesting abour top list and things like that. 

I am facing the same problem! Suddenly my Followed Artists is cutted on J letter... 😞

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