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Songs in Spotify App (iOS) lose sound

Songs in Spotify App (iOS) lose sound

I've started using Spotify Premium again this month, on my computer it is working fine but on my iPhone it doesn't really does it's job. Since the beginning (I've used it serval months before) it logs me out about once a day. Which is annoying, since my friends don't have the same problem, but not that big of a deal.

Now however, when I open spotify it works for half a song and then the sound drops. It seems to think it's still playing, because you see the song progressing and it goes over to the next song when its done, just like normal. When I choose a new song it says it's playing but the time bar doesn't progress anymore. When I close the app (not multi-task, but close close) and restart it it works again for about half a song.

With my normal music player I don't have the same problem and I've tried to delete Spotify completely but after redownloading I have exaclty the same problem. This is with both off- and online playlists and both WiFi and 3G connection. It has been working fine the last 2 weeks so I know it's not a connection problem.


Please help me because I find it rather annoying that it's a paid service and it doesn't work... Thanks!!

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