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Spotify Connect Issues

Spotify Connect Issues

Hi, how do you disable Spotify Connect?


As of today, when I play music on my iPad, it automatically starts logging the activity on my phone, therefore using up data. There doesn't seem to be any option to stop this from happening, even when the app on my phone is closed and the devices are unpaired. When I use Spotify on my laptop, this doesn't happen.


Hope someone can help!

3 Replies

Spotify does need to be running on your phone, so force closing the app should stop it.

You can select the output device by tapping the Spotify Connect icon on your iPad (bottom left corner) and selecting "This Device".

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Thanks Peter,


It definitely wasn't running on my phone, there were no apps open, but perhaps it took a little time for the devices to 'unpair'. It's working fine now anyway, cheers.

can you tell me which version of spotify you have? I can't remote my ipad with my iphoen or the other way around. 

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