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Track Only Available Online

Track Only Available Online

I get this error every time I launch Spotify on my iPhone, even though I'm online. I click OK and then the tracks are available for play. Anyone find a workaround for this error? 

46 Replies

Seems that 0.5.8 might have finally resolved this issue. In addition the app now flils the entire iphone 5 screen. I'll do some more testing tomorrow to confirm, but so far it looks better.

The latest update fixes this bug. Thank you Spotify developers for listening to us! 

With the latest update, iPhone 4, IOS 5.1.1, No popup, no stopping on playback.


Not fixed for me on Wifi or 3G. I'm on an iPhone 4S with iOS 5.1.1.

I'll go ahead and add myself to this list.

For me it seems like the error appears when a song is skipped because it's unable ot locate the server source that is holding the song... I could be way off because I'm not sure exactly how your system works. But For each song skipped it seems the error pops up and needs to have "ok" pressed..


To fix the issue - My suggestion would be.. Supply a user the ability to "check" a box that stats never show this message again... Then that'll fix this issue.. Because it does lock up Spotify and does not allow you to navigate anywhere through the application. Therefore, requires a restart of the iPhone.


If Spotify could just give a brief explanation that the issue is being looked into - that'd be great. Or if you guys have even came close to a resolution. As the other individual stated "I'll be canelling start of the year if this is not resolved." And I'm on board with him or her $120.00 for music that causes you problems on a daily basis, needs to be corrected.


Best of luck! 


~ A valued customer.

This is happening to me as well. It is kind of annoying when I am listening to a track on my iPhone and then I turn it off to go into work, etc and then when I return it shows this message and then it connects to Spotify. All is well in the end, but I am unable to return to where I leftoff on that track.


Each time I launch Spotify I have to check OK to this message.


It seems a simple check for the Spoitfiy servers should happen BEFORE the check on the track, which currently indicates an offline mode when indeed I am online.


Any thoughts on how to remove this message or fix this bug?

We are now tracking this issue in the bugs section, in this thread.



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