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When I open Spotify it mutes other audio streaming

When I open Spotify it mutes other audio streaming






iPhone 13

Operating System

iOS 16.1


My Question or Issue


There is an error with the app in iOS.

As soon as ypu open the Spotify app it mutes other streaming audio sources.

So if I am listening to radio in another app and want to go in to Spotify and just add a song to a playlist, it will directly close audio from my radio app. Same with all apps playing audio, they will all be killed as soon as I start Spotify. And even if I do not play anything in Spotify it mutes all audio, so I hear silence. 

No other music app I have does this.


Please fix so it does not kill other audio apps playing / streaming audio when you just open Spotify.


You may want to just open the app and add a song etc without playing from Spotify at that time.


It should only take over as audio source when you press play on something in Spotify, like other audio apps behave.

Thank you.


63 Replies

I also have this. It is frustrating to the point that I am moving my playlists to another streaming service, with the view to switching to Apple Music...


I listen to other radio apps a lot to find new music, and then add to Spotify playlists. The new behaviour of the app makes that way of me listening and discovering the thing that brings me joy in life, very painful.


This has been an issue for months now, and your tech team seemingly don’t want to address it.


It is very clearly a bug/change in behaviour, that lots of users have reported they don’t like.

Shame. Apps literally die because of nonsense like this. It’s less joyous to use, has become a pain point I now associate with your brand.


Do better.

Having the same issue in yhe latest version on Android Galaxy Flip as well. Have been a longtime member and this is a major issue.


If this isn't resolved soon I suggest we start voting with our dollars and opening posts to request other premium members  check for the issue and cancel memberships if the issue isn't resolved.  Companies tend to react better when the bottom line is affected. 

Oh, I left Spotify months ago and live on Youtube Premium these days. I
miss my playlists, but not enough to open my account back up.

This appears to be resolved for me with the latest update. The “Explore your genres” section of the Search tab no longer auto-plays, I thought that may have been the root cause!


Spotify app ver

iOS 16.7

Sadly this is still an issue. My earlier experience was with Low Data mode enabled which affects audio quality.

Get it sorted Spotify!!

Still having the same issue in Feb 2024! Paused Apple Podcasts when opening Spotify. I tried to restart the audio and then it paused again when I went back to the Spotify app. 

Having the same issue and I’m reporting it to Apple. Hopefully they can force Spotify’s hand, they shouldn’t let Spotify control other apps on my device like this. 

I’m also having this problem (on iOS) and it’s immensely frustrating. I’ve tried all the fixes suggested earlier, to no avail. I think it requires action on the dev’s side. Given the low priority this seems to have at Spotify, also considering switching to Apple Music now. 

Ohh since writing this, I've decided to just get a YouTube Premium account
and I rarely, if ever, miss Spotify. Thanks for the feedback. Sounds like


I experienced this same problem sometime last year and they disabled the video playback on the Explore Your Genres section for my account after raising the issue here in the support forums and submitting the issue to Apple (as it was affecting other Apple app playback on my device). Unfortunately it seems that the auto-play has returned and Spotify is once again pausing all other app media playback when I open the search page (app version This behavior feels malicious on Spotify's part.







(iPhone 13 mini)

Operating System

(iOS 17.4.1)

Spotify App Version



omfg, it happens again with different reason.

when I scroll through HOME tab ———> right when ‘discover new songs’ appears on screen ———> there is that damned autorun tile (popular new releases), which starts to show preview of its’ feed ———> every sound from other apps stops this moment.

and when that tile is scrolled out of screen everything works fine again.


dear Spotify, your various content autoplay features introduced from time to time often interfere with sounds on iphone. is that such an impossible task to not break the listening experience when user doesn’t ask to do it?


I'm not going to support the idea of reinstalling the application every time due to your programmers or managers lack of professionalism or lack of eagerness to actually fix this constantly appearing problem. maybe it’s time to redo playback, hm? because it seems to me that you're gradually pushing yourself into an increasingly complex and confusing pattern of music playback.



Same issue. Ridiculous their programmers won’t fix this. It has been like this for several years and they don’t **bleep**. Yes I have the newest iOS and newest app version and done a reinstall **bleep** off and get your shitty app together before I cancel.

I also have this issue whenever anything is clicked on the app it pauses tidal or YouTube or whatever may be playing the background and it’s making listening to music and curating playlists impossible to enjoy. 
iOS 17.5.1

spotify 8.9.60

I should also did I have an iPhone 13 Pro Max and I have also done the delete app and install the painful download of all my songs again but made no difference. I feel like that is Spotify's version of turning it off and on again lol. Spotify really is going downhill and the lack of lossless audio is crazy.

Ridiculous this “issue” has been around for 3 years. Whoever had the idea to put this in the app, just letting you know you’re the reason my son is missing 2 teeth now

I deleted my last account and cancelled our family plan AND put my son in a headlock for an hour - so, thanks Spotify! Sorry I had the audacity to listen to another music service while searching things…

Playing sirius on iphone. When i open spotify music still plays. When i click on search in spotify or open a playlist music stops. Never used to do this. Bug?

Also facing the issue that Spotify will stop the audio of other apps. However, for me this is only happening when visiting the Search tab („Suche“ in German) within the Spotify app.


Operating system: iOS 18.0.1 on iPhone 16 Pro Max

Country: Germany

Spotify version: 8.9.94

Plan: Premium

Country: Canada

Device: iPhone 15 Pro

Operating System: iOS 18.2

Spotify Version:


My Issue

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Play audio from another ap (e.g., Overcast, YouTube, Safari, etc.)

2. Open Spotify for the first time...nothing happens (as expected).

3. Tap on Search or open a playlist with the little "story" rectangle near the top-left.


What Happens (😠) – Spotify pauses the audio that was playing from the other app. Pressing play (via Control Centre, headphones, etc.) starts playing audio from within Spotify, not the audio that was previously playing. Spotify has hijacked the audio.


What Should Happen (😁) – Nothing! Spotify should not pause what I am playing in another app until I explicitly press play on a song, playlist, or (pointless) story.


The current behaviour makes for a hostile user experience. Sometimes I am listening to internet radio or a YouTube video in the background, and I want to open Spotify to build / manage a playlist. Doing so pauses my video/audio, which is incredibly frustrating.


Please consider fixing this (sooner than later?) in an upcoming update.

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