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"Your Music"


"Your Music"

I just turned off my Iphone and turned it back on, restarted Spotify, and voila, I have the "Your Music" feature.


I have to say that I am baffled, to say the least.


First, there is no way to save an entire artist to "Your Music:" - you have to do each album separately.

Second, under Artists, it just lists all the songs in every album one after the with no way to browse each album separately.


We waited all this time for this?  This is completely unacceptable! I'm already considering switching over to Beats Music, for a host of other reasons, and this just reinforces my decision.  I was waiting to see what this feature would look like before I did. 


What has happened to this company?  I used to brag about it to people, now I want to get as far away from it as possible.


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If you do all that and it's your time, you will receive the update.


I'm not sure how they determine the order of when people get the update.  Plus it happens outside the app store, so it's some type of dynamic update.

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Marked as solution

Thank you - I wait with baited breath 🙂

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14 Replies

I completely agree.  I don't think it would be that difficult to fix the issue either.  Spotify just needs to implement an Artist > Album > Song hierarchy within the "Your music" section.  The Your Music section is a great concept that will allow us to quickly get to our favorite artists and albums regularly.  Though, without an interface that makes it easily accessible, there is very little difference to what we have always had.  Hopefully Spotify will add something like this to their next update.

Just got it as well.  Very nice get, it's been one of my favorite features as I play with the beats music 3 month trial.  It's done better in beats music though.  I agree with your second point that is not good design to not separate it into albums from artists.  In beats, it'll show the artists, and clicking on that, go to the albums you have saved within.  Probably should add a way to do your first point as well but in the grand scheme of things, I found your second point to be a much bigger issue.


While in trial, I been using beats much more then Spotify, the curated playlists are just night and day better, I find myself having a much easier time listening to beats recommendations.  But end of day, be careful what you wish for, the Spotify app is much much more stable, beats gets better with updates but still crashes.  There are also missing artists, no Metallica for example.  There is also no radio mode.  No iPad app.  The app looks better andhas some better features but it's just not refined, has bugs. 


Spotify seems to be going the exclusives route and if that’s a way of life, Spotify will remain on top.  I love everything about beats music so far more then Spotify except for one thing, it's not Spotify.  It’s very late to the game and I just think it's facing a hill that it can't climb this late into the game.  I think I only have another month of the family att trial and losing it is going to be tough.  When I want to listen to music I just love loading beats up more and having the first page loaded with recommended playlists that I end up liking and skipping tracks less then anything on Spotify.  It feels tailored for me.  It just nails it more often than not and I love having the rest of the family have their own accounts independent of mine.  But even given all that, I know that Spotify is the 800lb gorilla in the room and that the likelihood of Beats being here a year or two from now isn't good.  Spotify is no slouch of a service either and they actively are always adding features.  I hope in time with recent acquisitions, their playlists finally become a more personalized experience.  No one gets it perfect but in the end, Spotify does more things right then the rest and you see it in their market share. 

I don't think it would be difficult to fix either. But we've waited so long for the feature to show up and this is what they give us?  They have had a year to get it right and it just looks haphazardly done.  Nothing in Spotify happens quickly. I can just see us having to wait months and months before they address it.


Let me also say that most people would look at this and wonder what all the fuss was about.  But music lovers are different. They care about the little things that make the experience of music so much better. I had hoped the people at Spotify were music lovers.  But it appears that they are just putting out a product.

@nonstopdigital wrote:

I just turned off my Iphone and turned it back on, restarted Spotify, and voila, I have the "Your Music" feature.


I have to say that I am baffled, to say the least.


First, there is no way to save an entire artist to "Your Music:" - you have to do each album separately.

Second, under Artists, it just lists all the songs in every album one after the with no way to browse each album separately.


We waited all this time for this?  This is completely unacceptable! I'm already considering switching over to Beats Music, for a host of other reasons, and this just reinforces my decision.  I was waiting to see what this feature would look like before I did. 


What has happened to this company?  I used to brag about it to people, now I want to get as far away from it as possible.

I agree that Beats library is a little better than the new Spotify "Your Music" feature. When looking under Artists on Beats its seperated into songs and albums vs. just one big list of songs on Spotify.  Also the Beats artists list also shows number of songs and albums vs. Spotify with just songs.  The key feature on Beats is the option to individually download a song for offline listening.  Spotify requires you download the full album or artist list.  Spotify is getting there, but I'm agreed that "Your Music" isn't as robust as Beats Music or Rdio when it comes to library/collections.  


The thing keeping me with Spotify is radio and artist radio.  Beats Music only provides the lame "Sentence" which plays a really poor list of songs.  (Just last week it played a Christmas song in one of my "sentences."  Beats has unfortunately done away with MOG's artist radio.  Beats curated playlists are a bit pedestrian.  


So right now, Spotify still gets my money.  I'm hoping that since Spotify has created "Your Music," they will only continue to build on it and make improvements.  

What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?

Its crazy that they have managed to mess something up so simple. I switched over from Rdio when I saw Your Music announced, but safe to say, I'll probably be switching back after this month is up. 

Registered to post this.


I see absolutely no reason why Spotify has chosen to forego the universally-standard "Artists -> Albums -> Songs" sorting heirarchy; this negatively impacts the functionality of "Your Music", at least for me, by making my library unweildy and difficult to navigate.


At least on the desktop app, "Your Music - Albums" can be sorted by Artist (which at least makes it somewhat similar to sorting by "Artists -> Albums", if slightly less elegant, since you have to see every album at once), while on the iOS app the "Albums" view can only be sorted by Album Title, which renders it unusable to me. And, unlike the desktop version, there's no way I can see to change the way Albums are sorted within the iOS app (correct me if I'm wrong). I really don't think it's unreasonable to expect Spotify's library management to behave similarly to other music management software, such as iTunes, Winamp, Beats, rdio, Google Play, etc., which use the standard "Artists -> Albums -> Songs" heirarchy.


I've been happily waiting for Spotify's library functionality since Your Music was announced in Decemeber of 2012 and I'm baffled by the sorting heirarchy they've decided on. Really makes it difficult to use, for me!

Hi, I am probably being a little slow here, but how do I switch on the your music feature on an iPad mini? I switched it off and restarted spotify and ... No my music feature... Thank you
Marked as solution

If you do all that and it's your time, you will receive the update.


I'm not sure how they determine the order of when people get the update.  Plus it happens outside the app store, so it's some type of dynamic update.

Marked as solution

Thank you - I wait with baited breath 🙂


@nonstopdigital wrote:

If you do all that and it's your time, you will receive the update.


"and its your time" implies that they are rolling it out per user. Which is not whats happening here.


They have actually created the Your Music section 2 weeks ago on my iPhone (week later on on my PC and Mac) which still isnt available on my iPad, are you kidding me?

All my albums are now in this new section, which is not available on my iPad!


I cant believe someone at Spotify knowingly took a decision to do it like this, PER DEVICE instead of per user. I love Spotify but this is terribly stupid.



And what about other Spotify-enabled devices? My Boxee Box does not have this section either I just found out. So I'm guessing it need an update from Boxee? Which will never happen... good bye music... wow, this is unbelievable. You should have thought of a way to make this backwards compatible... you don't have any vision at all do you?

Unfortunately, I can't see Your Music launching on 3rd party devices, considering they don't even have Radio.

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I was also a bit dissapointed with the much awaited  "your music" feature.


All i wanted was to be able to save "bob dylan" as an artist, and then see all the albums i choose to add under him as a list. Then tap an album and see all the songs. Now its just one huge list of songs under Bob Dylan.


Also, under "albums", they dont show up in any particular order (by artist, alphabetically, etc), instead they show up as per date added. How is this helpful when you have hundreds of albums? Did the people at spotify not sort their CD-collections according to artist? 


The playlists are a mess too. Here i also would like to sort them alphabetically. In a perfect world, i would also like a divider between playlists i created and those i follow.


Close, but no cigar for the "your music" feature. If it was made for people who like to maintain a personal music collection, it must also simulate the way these people would acutally organize their collection. 

That's what I wanted out of Your Music too. In fact, I can't see how any sane person would want it the way Spotify programmed it.


Is anyone asking for a list of SONGS under Artists instead of a collection of albums?? 


Is anyone looked for albums sorted by album title AS THE ONLY OPTION?


I hope these issues are addressed SOON.  At this point, I pretty much ignore the Your Music section on the iphone.



P.S. You stated one thing incorrectly: On the iphone, the albums are sorted alphabetically by album title, not by date added.  I would prefer DATE ADDED actually.  That might be useful.

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