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Spotify Android app only loading the first 100 songs from playlist in queue when connected to CC.

I have a chromecast audio, when connected, I try to play a playlist with over 100 songs but something weird happens. If I start playing song number 101 from the list on the chromecast speakers, it will only load that song in the queue and the app stops playing when it finished the song. Obviouslly I want the music to continue by playing the next song in the list until the playlist has no more songs after that.


If I start playing the very first song in my playlist, it loads up the first 100 songs from the playlist in the queue and continues playing them until it reaches the 100th song.


If I start playing the 99th song in the playlist, it only loads that song plus the final 100th song from the list into the queue instead of continuing with the rest of the list. 


Is there a solution to fix this weird behaviour? I don't have this issue when playing locally on the device or when i'm connected to a bluetooth adapter.



Spotify premium version

Chromecast audio version 1.29.106147

Android version 7.0 (Samsung galaxy s8)

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