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10 hours limit

10 hours limit

My account keeps telling me that I have used up my 10 hour limit when I haven't. I've been on holiday for a week so did not use it last week and barely used it this month, it is happening quite regularly usually the last week before the end of the month, but no way have I listened to spotify for more than 40 mins this week and not at all last week, as I wasn't in the country what is going on???


8 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


The free allowance is actually allocated as 2.5 hours per week (which x4 is 10 hours a month), so are you sure you haven't used up all of your time for this week? 

Logging out and back in again is always a safe bet incase the client got confused, but its all automated so I am guessing you are over the time limit somehow 😞



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I belive something is not correct here, i have not used my account for a while and when i start the client and try to play a song, im prompted that im over the time limit, but the thing is i have not used it for weeks almost a month.

I wondered what the hell is going on since it never happened before, so i tried the web player and from there i have no problem playing songs.


So im most positive that this has nothing to do with 2,5h weekly limit.

Hi. What version of the client are you using and what operating system please? I'm going to ask one of the staff to have a look at this.

@08sthlm wrote:

I belive something is not correct here, i have not used my account for a while and when i start the client and try to play a song, im prompted that im over the time limit, but the thing is i have not used it for weeks almost a month.

I wondered what the hell is going on since it never happened before, so i tried the web player and from there i have no problem playing songs.


So im most positive that this has nothing to do with 2,5h weekly limit.


Hi guys, thanks for your reports.


I've checked out both your accounts and everything seems to look okay.


As the limit seems to be appearing correctly on the Web Player, I'd recommend a clean reinstallation of the app just to be sure you're up to date. 


That should kick your limit back in gear.


Keep us posted! 


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Thanks for your response.

I installed spotify yesterday on another computer running a fresh install of kubuntu, and I could stream music without any problem so I tried it again on my main computer running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, and suddenly there where no issues streaming music at all tried for a half hour or so.

Both computer run Linux preview Version0.9.1.55.gbdd3b79f



Later during the day I started it up again and the 10 hour limit was back.

So I tried to reinstall spotify but problem still remains.

The link you sent does not contain and Linux reinstall option in other operating systems tab.

However it could something related to the previous installation, do you have the path where the files are installed?

I checked for hidden directories in /home/~ but I see no files or directories related to spotify.



Can you give me the path where files are installed and or placed in users home directory so I can give it a try and remove them manually to see if it solves the problem.

I just tried to start spotify again.

And i can stream one song after a few seconds i see the 10 limit banner at the top.

I this behavior normal that its always possible to stream one song on every startup when reached the 10 hour limit?


Edit even do the banner flashed I tried to stream again  before shutting down, and am running it now streaming my third song, when im streaming the banner is not visible.

it says that my 10 hours reset every month..... but my 10 hours is still gone even tho its 10.10.13 .... why??? please help


@adskjeggis - The 10 hour limit is actually allocated as 2.5 hours per week, which refreshed on whichever day your account was created, so you should never need to wait more than 7 days to be able to listen again. 


There is a little more information about free account restrictions here



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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