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Account : Help me please

Account : Help me please



My soon has created an premium account with his phone and my visa card,  last 2 days.


His phone was reinitialized with all the datas...

He has forgotten the mail associated with th premium account and the password too... No facebook associating, nothing else...

He remembers only the login : "lalala"


I reset the password hoping to get the mail but this information does not appear.

How can I know the mail for accessing to the account ?. Or is it possible to change the mail to mine ?


I'm afraid to pay for nothing and not be able to change anything ...


Please I need your help !


6 Replies

Hey @robin42, welcome to the community!


If you're being charged for your son's account and he doesn't remember the username, password, or email address associated to it, I suggest following the steps here.


The right team will get back to you as soon as possible.


All the best.

“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”
― Maria Augusta von Trapp



I've tried your link but doesn't resolve the problem because he doesn't remember the mail, the password and he has changed his phone...


Can you send me the mail used for his username "lalala" ? 

I understand!


Right now, we can't provide any account information or personal information via the community.


In this case, I suggest checking this support page for what to do next.


The right team will get back to you as soon as possible.



“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”
― Maria Augusta von Trapp

The same link as your first answer and nothing else... Not enouth to me sorry...


How can I close the account with only a username ??? Can You explain to me exactly what I have to do please ?


I am going to ask for the blocking of my bank levies, for security reasons, I don't want to pay for nothing and nobody seems to really help me...




You'll need to follow these steps to contact the right team:


  1. Go to our contact form.
  2. Select Subscription, then Other.
  4. Select Premium as your type of subscription.
  5. Under Your Spotify username or Facebook login, enter "unknown".
  6. Under Your email address (registered to your Spotify account), enter the email address you'd like to be contacted on.
  7. Fill out the other details and submit.

They'll get back to you as soon as possible.


All the best.

“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”
― Maria Augusta von Trapp

I have looked up for user name lalala on the spotify app and found this user

In order to discover the E-mail registered into this account , contact spotify costumer service at They have another ways to help you out to locate a certain account, for exemple , if you provide them your credit card details, they will surely be able to find your son's  Premium account. Afterwards, he can reset the password through this link



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