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BUG REPORT - multiyear bug prevents me from paying

BUG REPORT - multiyear bug prevents me from paying


I've already tried this before. 

Due to changing circumstances, spotify seems to have unfortunately become my best option again.

One problem...


Because the bumbling baffoons in charge cannot fix a bug that's been present for several years, and reported several times, I cannot change my country setting. 

Because I cannot change my country setting, my payment card is not valid, as the country does not match up.


Now, I know, just like last time, the first response is going to be from someone who is mentally incapable of reading, but has a really high rating here because they copypaste **bleep** that sometimes vaguely applies.

I hate you, you complete **bleep**. 


Short version, for those who can read: I cannot change my country setting. I know where the page is, I know where the setting is, the problem is, it does not work. 

It hasn't worked for YEARS. 


Can someone with a brain please get this sorted? 


Again, it's been YEARS. Why is this still a problem?

2 Replies

Here, I'll be my own first stupid reply.


Thanks for contacting us. We understand that you want to modify your country settings in your account. Rest assured, we're going to help you with this.

If you're on the free, ad-supported service, you can use Spotify in a different country for up to 14 days.  

Alternatively, you can change your country settings (but be aware that availability of music differs between countries!) Here’s how to do so:

  1. Log in to your account page.
  3. Scroll down to Country and select your new country from the dropdown list.
    Note: Your new country only shows when you’re actually there.
  4. Click SAVE PROFILE.

Note:Availability of music differs between countries.

It’s not possible to change your country settings to somewhere we haven’t yet launched. The only thing we can suggest is upgrading to Premium so you can travel anywhere you like without having to update your account (this is all due to music licensing reasons). 

We hope this helps. Let us know how it plays out on your end. We'll always be here if you need any further assistance.

All the best,

Someone with the IQ of an eggplant

And the response to that? 


There is a bug, a malfunction in the website. You are WRONG WRONG WRONG.


Now that we've gotten that out of the way, someone with a brain, please?

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