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Cannot update account information

Cannot update account information

My spotify account is set up to my university email account. This has been cancelled now and I need to change the email address. I am only able to do this by entering my passwprd, however, Icannot remember it. My student premium account payments have stopped recently, so I need to use my password to change my subscription and banking information too.


Please can you help me? I have contacted Spotify using the contact form numerous times but never get a response back =(


Kind Regards,


4 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Do you have a case number from when you got in touch before? 

If not, try submitting a new query using this contact form.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Thanks for your response. I send a contact request every week. I have not been given a case number before but through your link which looks different to the one accessed from the main website hassent me a case number.


Do I just wait to see if they contact me now? Thanks for your help =D


For your reference this is Case #: 00624325

@audiofairy wrote:

Thanks for your response. I send a contact request every week. I have not been given a case number before but through your link which looks different to the one accessed from the main website hassent me a case number.


Do I just wait to see if they contact me now? Thanks for your help =D


For your reference this is Case #: 00624325



The team over at Spotify generally fix these within 24 hours I believe. If it doesn't get fixed in a couple of days let me know and I'll see if I can get it addressed for you 🙂

if you get an email directing you back to the community, make sure to reply to it directly and someone back at Spotify will check it again.



This post was by Taylor - I do not work for Spotify!
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Yes, as AnthonyB said above, if you don't hear back within 24 hours just post back here and someone will escalate it to the community staff for you. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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