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Change Email Problem

Change Email Problem

My spotify account is linked to Facebook and I need to change the email address. I went to Facebook and they have my current/updated email addres and have for months, spotify wont change/update it and I don't know how and there's no contact information for customer support which is really frustrating.

2 Replies

Hi @JacquieB!


If you created your account through Facebook, the only way to update your email is through your Facebook settings. Otherwise, you can try this:

1. Log into your account

2. Click "Edit Profile"account_edit_profile3. Under "Email," enter your new address

4. Confirm your password

5. Click "Save Profile"


Hope that helps. Let me know, and just shout if there's anything else I can do!

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Have the same problem. However Spotify/Facebook intergration is working it won't pick up changes to the email changed on Facebook but rather retains the email from when the account was first created. My old email will soon be disconnected and I won't be able to do a password recovery in the future to an email address because the new email is not being pulled through from Facebook. This needs to be sorted.

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