Help Wizard

Step 1


Changing from Facebook login to regular

Changing from Facebook login to regular



I have setup an account with my facebook details and downloaded the spotify application to my desktop. My administrator security settings prevent me from logging into the application using my facebook details (I do not have control over the admin settings).


I was wondering if there is a way I can change my login from facebook to a regular username and password type login?


Thanks in advance


1 Reply

Hey @Gramepate

Thanks for reaching out to the Community.

If you were looking to change your account to a login with a username, I'd recommend you to reach our contact form:

If you get an automated reply email telling you to check the help section or the community, you need to reply back to it, even if it's from a no-reply address.

Support usually replies within 24-48 hours, but they'll be super helpful in getting you transferred over to a new account with all the same music 🙂

Hope that helps!

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