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Doesn't show all albums

Doesn't show all albums

My problem is that spotify sometimes doesn't show me all albums or even no album at all of the artist I'm looking for. However, when I'm on my friends account the albums exist on spotify it's just my account that can't see them. How can I fix this?

6 Replies

Hey @shaniagassner!


Thanks for reaching out to the Spotify Community. We'll be happy to help you. 


Can you let us know what device, operating system and Spotify version you're rocking? 


It'd be also a great help if you could send us a screenshot of what's showing in your account. 


Let us know if you have any questions. We'll be here for you. 



Same here. Not reliable at all. Have to check with friends first. 

Same here is so frustrating when I Search an artist is George Michael it shows all comperlation albums or Now party hits etc. 

Any support would be great. 

Im running Spotify via Sonos



I am a paying customer and I am having the same issue where not all albums are showing up.


Hi, same problem confirmed here, asus nexus 7 android tablet (6.01) Matt Lange's album Punish me is not visible on artist page. Only 5 albums visible. Found the album by searching it by name. Tried again after a moment and now album list is around 30 albums. In between i got the oops something went wrong error. App seems to work ok ( arm v7) but the album list retrieval seems to fail sometimes. 

I'm having the same issue...please help solve this problem, I find it really annoying.

I'm running spotify from my samsung s9+, latest version installed and I cannot see the new Digweed's album enlisted, while my friends have already listened to it.


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