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Error 127 following password not working.

Error 127 following password not working.


Yesterday i got an Error 127 and got signed out of spotify, so i just signed back in and everything worked as it should.


When i woke up today, i had the same message, but this time i could not log back in, it says "The username or password is incorrect. (Error code: 3)


I managed to log in with "Log in with facebook" but how does the passord just suddenly stop working, and how can anyone change it? Because the email registered to my account does not exist anymore, so i was under the impression that it could never be changed no matter what.


What happens if my account gets unlinked to facebook? Do i have to make a new account then? I dont want that, i have been using this account for 10 years or something. I want my old password back, how do i do that? 


1 Reply

Hey there @Naglehuff,

thanks for posting in the community !


Sorry to hear you're having this issue.

It sounds a bit weird that you were able to connect to a mail based account with your FB details.

Is it possible you're confusing two accounts ? check this help guide just in case.


In addition, check out this help guide on accounts that might have been taken over.


Regarding Spotify and Facebook connection and changes you can a read about them on this help page. 


On top of that you can always use the help pages to contact support and have them take a closer look at your account.


Let me know how it goes.

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