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Family Plan Links

Family Plan Links

In my admin panel and on the homepage in Canada there are links to family plans which don't work. I just re-signed up because it appears like you're finally offering a family plan. How do I go about adding family memebers?

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1 Reply

I saw a thread about the Family Plan only being offered to Rogers customers in Canada... I did respond with:

Yes, not happening! That is a ridiculous deal to be making. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the largest providers in Canada are Bell and Telus. Either way, this really narrows the scope of customers. No way would I switch providers for a music app. Hopefully Rogers made it worthwhile for you, Spotify (especially given other countries aren't under the same restrictions... Why Canada???). The logic there is beyond me, and given that, I'm pretty sure myself and family are a few more customers now setting sights on the other options now available to us (Apple/Google...)

Hoping this "Rogers customers only" deal doesn't stick - but thinking I may have sadly already decided to move on 😞

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