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Files delete

Files delete

I realised, That when I delete the file from downloads, ot has no influence on the storage. There is no change. Used storage remains the same. Can someone explain how to delete-get out files from mobile storage in order to insrease the capacity? Thank you.
5 Replies

What mobile platform are you using (iOS/android/etc)?

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Android 4.3

Spotify should eventually free up the space, generally it keeps file for a little time after you remove an offline playlist incase you hit the button by accident. Have you tried restarting your device?

You can clear all data from Spotify (which clears all offline playlists) from the settings menu if needed.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Yes, indeed. Restarted, no change of storage capacity. Only the file dusappeared from playlists.

I also deleted all Spotify data. Then the used storage decereased.

If the file disappears from device, increasing the storage, after a while, that should be ok.

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