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So im from the U.S, currently on vacation in the U.K. For the first 2 weeks ive been here spotify has been all good. Now it says that my country/ip doesn't match my profile. Changing it sounds easy enough, but oh wait, i now have to pay? Why on earth would i pay to use spotify here for 2 weeks? That's just outrageous. Any help, do i have to set up my laptop to use a fake ip to think im in a different place? Or is there some kind of trick i'm missing.

5 Replies

Ideally, you want to set your Spotify to "Offline" before heading to a different country, but we're kinda past that point now. When I was in the UK, (also from US), I used a VPN with an American IP address. It's up to you, but your account IS tied to the IP configuration.

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Since Spotify is available in the UK, you should just be able to change your country from your online account:

Be aware, you may need to remove any existing payment details on your account to make it happen without subscribing.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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The edit profile link says: To change your country, you must update your payment details.

Do you have any payment details added to your account (from a previous subscription or trial)?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Im in the UK from the UK and my spotify account is set to the uk but it says im in a differant country and when i press on change country in my account details nothing happend please help

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