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Is there a contact email address for spotify??

Is there a contact email address for spotify??



I have upgraded to premium and paid through Paypal. The money has come out of paypal but my account is still on free and I havent recieved any emails. Is there an email address to contact spotify? Thanks

2 Replies

Hey there @purplesocks3, welcome to the community!


That's odd. Can you try the following first?


  • Check your subscription page. Your status should be Premium. 
  • If you're on Premium, try signing out and back into the app. 
  • If it says Free, check the receipt Spotify send to your email inbox. Make sure you're signing in with the username on that receipt. If the username on your receipt is a 10 digit number, please sign in with your Facebook login details.


If that doesn't help, please take this survey that can point you out in the right direction.




Hope this was helpful!







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Thank you, I will try the survey. I didnt get an email for spotify with receipt number but the money came out of my Paypal account. my account is still free.

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