Help Wizard

Step 1


Locked out of account

Locked out of account




The Netherlands


iPhone 6s and msi laptop

Operating System

iOS 12 and windows 10


My Question or Issue

I have a different account than this one (username: kirstenoops) and have suddenly been logged out of that account on my phone. Now it constantly tells me my password is wrong, so i tried to reset it, but found out that i don't know what email it's on, or perhaps it has been changed. I have no way to access the account ( so i cant log out all the devices, etc on the website). I can't email support, because i don't know the email that's attached to the account. 


Is there a way for me to retrieve my account or at least to cancel the payments for premium? 

1 Reply

Hi @user-removed,


Many users have been encountering similar issues in regard to logging in. Here are a number of Spotify support teams that you could reach out to in relation to the log-in issue, try to provide them with as much details as possible so that they can assist you:


Hope this helps,



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