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My account was resetted

My account was resetted



I no longer have my playlists, my friends. The system recognises my preferences, but it seems as the first time I login.

My account is bounded with facebook.


Need help, Thanks



3 Replies

What device are you using? Have you tried logging out then back in making sure to use your facebook credentials as it is possible you have logged in with a username/password and created a new account.


Do you have a free account?

I'm using my personal computer, and I have a free account.

I'm sure I'm using my facebook credentials (my spotify's logo is my  facebook profile's image too)

Can you recover your playlists from your account profile? If not, use the online contact form and someone at Spotify can help get this sorted. If you get an automated reply directing you back to the community or to the help pages, make sure to reply to it directly (even though it says not to) to speed things along.

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