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Password reset link not working

Password reset link not working

I just upgraded and confirmed with support that I have premium.  I logged out of my spotify as suggested as the premium subscription wasn't showing.  I can log in with my facebook details but that just says I'm on the free subscription and my playlists have gone.

I'd forgotten my password for my spotify login.  I tried resetting my password for my actual spotify login and haven't received anything.  


Please help

10 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Have you tried entering your username rather than your email address on the password reset page? 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Yep tried the link with my username, my email for my spotify log on and my facebook log on details.  I'm just not recieving the password reset email.  I've checked my spam inbox too 😞


Thanks for your help



Yep tried the link with my username, my email for my spotify log on and my facebook log on details.  I'm just not receiving the password reset email.  I've checked my spam inbox too 😞


Thanks for your help

Any other ideas please?  I'd really like to listen to the music I've paid for pleasseeeeeee

jenjen25 - If you could contact our team here, we'll get it sorted for you. Once you've emailed in, let us know your case number (just post it here), and we'll make sure it gets to the right team.


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Thank you, I really appreciate it 🙂 have a good day guys at spotify and on the forum


could someone tell me if I would like to chose to NOT use facebook any more to login in my premium spotify.
when I try to login it tels me this mail is loged with facebook , and i have to change ths on facebook.
thanks in avance

Targom - If you could contact customer support, we'll get it sorted.


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hi sam thanks for your answear,
I do but theanswear seems to be generique answear hier is what I get,



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Wenn du einen Spotify Account ohne Facebook-Verbindung hast, kannst du dein Passwort einfach hier zurücksetzen

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Spotify Customer Service - Cambridge

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