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Premium account issues

Premium account issues



Since a few days ago I signed up for a premium account with a prepaid card. After signing up I downloaded the mobile app for spotify which gave me a 48hour trail. However, after these 48 hours ended the mobile app showed a message in which it stated that i need premium account (tho i have one). I hope someone can give some advice about this issue cuz its quite inconvenient. 

4 Replies

Hi. It sounds like you may have logged in with different credentials on your mobile device. Try logging out then back in using the email address registered for your facebook account and the facebook password. If that doesn't work, please provide your mobile device model and operating system/version.

Problem seems to be solved more or less, somehow the redeemcode activated premium on my other account, which i use with my facebook. I also made a account by mail for my father, tho these accounts seem the have mixed up...But thanks anyways 😃

Trying to set up a new Onkyo receiver, which requires I go to


One problem - I never get the email it says it sent.  It says the correct email address (same email used by both my spotify and facebook accounts) and I'm sure the message isn't ending up in spam or caught by a filter.


Here's a screenshot of the device password request:


Could someone @ spotify please verfy your system is kicking me an email?  Grepping for in the logs should do it, there are only 2 people with spotify accounts at that domain, myself and my daughter.

@p0rkmaster - Sorry for the hassle with this, annoyingly the device password system does seem a little tempermental sometimes. If you could drop the support team a quick email using the online contact form they can fire one of those emails out to you manually. 

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

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