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Problem setting up payment!

Problem setting up payment!

Hi there,


I dont really use forums so apoligizes if this is posted elsewhere but im having issues setting up a new payment method where you can charge it to your mobile bill i keep getting the error "502 Bad Gateway"


Any ideas people?

18 Replies

Im sorry about this problem!!!


Have U tried to use another browser or clear cache 🙂 Have another go!!!


Good luck!!!


If no help, let me know, I escalate - for sureeee!


Yeah tried that and now I get this.

Weird, just messing around with the Spotify website everything appears to be fine for me. I would suggest you get in touch with the customer services team directly using the online contact form and they can check out what is going on here for you. 

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Contacted Boku said its nothing to do with them and contact spotify again?

Yes. Use the contact form Peter gave a link to in the post above yours.

Replied to them again and simply once again referred to Boku, sorry to keep on but my membership ends on the 19th, Boku say speak to spotify and spotify say speak to Boku.......I'm really not getting anywhere please don't make me use deezer!!!

It's awful to get pushed from pillar to post like this. All I can suggest is to keep the dialogue going with both Boku and Spotify until this is resolved.

Replied to a response from Spotify telling them for the second time I've spoken to Boku and then another one from that link and no response I think they've given up on this situation and Boku seem to not care at all

I don't know about Boku but spotify don't give up. Shout if you haven't heard within 24 hours.

Thanks I've contacted Boku again, I get deezer for free with my mobile plan but I absolutely hate it, I really hope I can get this resolved so I don't have to turn to the dark side.

Just thought I'd post to let you know what's going on, Boku are now saying it's because they didn't get a payment from me for it last month despite me being charged £9.99 on my phone bill, they've asked for a copy of my bill which I've provided hopefully this gets sorted before the 19th and I can use my company phone instead of my personal one! Thanks for all your guys help on here and sorry if I got a little stressed!!!! Praise to the spotify team! I can see the light.

Great, I'm glad you've finally managed to pin things down 🙂

Spotify hs been double billing my account since JUNE 2013. Not only to I have 2 credit card charges each month but they are difference amounts. I do not have 2 accounts, this is evidence by the fact that my credit card number changed months ago and I updated my info in only ONE account but continue to get two charges. I have messages them but recieved no response. SPOTIFY YOU OWE ME 94.97!!!

The accounts team will sort this out if you get in touch with them hereIf you get an automated response directing you back to the community or to the help pages, make sure to reply to it directly to speed things along.

Just got this back from Boku so now I'm back at square one.

You already have a case open with spotify so email that to them and keep corresponding until you're happy. This is something that can only be resolved by them I'm afraid.

I have received two emails from a spotify rep saying that I must have two accounts. Here is the flaw in their assumption. My credit card number changes and I only updated that information in one account (the only one I have) and I was still billed twice. I am also being bill for two different amounts. It makes no sense and I would appreciate some kind of reply that addresses these issues.

Only the accounts team can resolve this so keep communicating with them @MB32 .

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