
Help Wizard

Step 1


Somebody is using my account, Please help

Somebody is using my account, Please help

Hey I need some help on how to fix my problem, Somebody is using my Premium account while I am logged in also, I am using Spotify on windows desktop the Remdi 3 is the other user.  I have tried signing out everywhere and making a new password but it did not work.


Help Please.


- Niall

1 Reply

Hi @niallwexeire. If you've tried signing them out and changing your password to no avail, then I would recommend getting in touch with support through this from. This is the "anonymous" contact form, so you'll be able to input which email you want them to reply to. For the form to work, make sure you are completely logged out of, otherwise it will automatically use the email of the account you are logged into! Please note that you will most likely receive an automated email back from support directing you to the forums or the FAQ page; just ignore that, and reply back directly to that email (even if it comes from a no-reply address), and support should help sort your issue out as soon as they can. Please let me know if there's anything else that comes up, or if you have any other questions. Best of luck!

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