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Someone keeps using my spotify!

Someone keeps using my spotify!


Plan: Premium

Country: Australia

Device: iPhone 6S+ and Macbook Pro 2017


Operating System: latest


My Question or Issue

 Hi everyone. I was previously speaking to Mark A. on the Spotify Contact Live Chat, however my chat got refreshed and I can't log back in as he blocked my account in order to solve this issue. Someone keeps using my Spotify, and although I've changed passwords twice, logged out of all devices twice and cleared all offline synched devices, someone has access to my account, and play their music while I'm listening to mine. I was in the midst of sending a proof of payment to Mark when the chat got refreshed and now I can't log back into my Spotify account to try and contact him again, as I've been blocked for investigating purposes. Please help.

1 Reply

Hello @user-removed!


For this particular case, I would encourage you to reach out to support through the anonymous contact form. So long as you are entirely logged out of (alternatively, you can access the form through an incognito window/private browsing) the form will allow you to use an email of your choosing for correspondence. Please ensure that this is an email that has not been compromised and that you still have access to it!
If you would prefer to not use the contact form, or require an alternative means of contact, you can always reach out to @SpotifyCares on twitter, or the Spotify Cares Facebook page.
I hope this helps!

Jose_MSpotify Star
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