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Songs not available on mobile?

Songs not available on mobile?

I noticed recently that some songs are only available on the desktop app and cannot be played on my iPhone. For example, the album "Through Art We Are All Equals" by Slaves has only two tracks that are playable on mobile, and the rest are not available. However, on the desktop app, the full album is available? What would be the reason for this?

9 Replies

Do you have the album available on your PC as local files? If so, it may be that the full album isn't available in your country and you would have to synch the album to your mobile (for which you need a premium subscription). Which country are you in?

I have a premium account, but in any case these aren't local files, they're songs that are available to stream from Spotify. It's really weird.

Can you play them in the web player (

What sometimes happens is content gets cached locally in your client then removed from Spotify, but your device that has played it before can continue to play it for a period before realising the content is no longer available.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I was able to play the album on the web player and on the client on two different computers... I still can, but funny enough, I just tried to play the album on mobile and it's now available. It only came out last week but it had been available on desktop since last Tuesday, but was just added to mobile today. Heh, maybe the Spotify gods heard my prayers.

I think it may have just been a problem with this one album... there was also one track that played the wrong song (a completely different track) on desktop but the correct track on mobile. I think whatever was going on was more on the record company's end than Spotify's. Just my guess.

I KNEW IT... Spotify for my iPhone just updated earlier today. The most recent desktop update fixed the problem with different tracks playing on desktop and mobile, so clearly the mobile update fixed something similar as well.

Glad to hear it! 🙂

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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The past few days the selection on premium is getting smaller saying song is not available but was a week ago

The same here. An album (ASOT) is every time not available on my android mobile (all songs are grey) right after the album is published (every week new). Whereas in desktop client they are available. But if I play all songs manually using my desktop client (remote control), they will become magically available

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