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Spotify Family not working with Chromecast

Spotify Family not working with Chromecast

I recently bought a Chromecast Audio which works great with other apps, however, I cannot find the device in the Spotify app (neither Android nor Windows). I've read every help page out there and do know that a Premium account is needed, which I have, albeit under a Spotify Family plan. Is this what's causing the problem? Seems strange but I cannot find another possible explanation.

8 Replies

Same hère. The principal account work with chromecast but not thé second account un family plan. Please fix it

Yes, for us too. I really want to use my own account though. When will we get an update to fix this?

Correction: we only have this problem with iOS- and Windows-devices. With an Android-tablet it is working now, so i'm using that.

I have this problem too. On an iPhone, the account owner can connect to the Chromecast audio but another user on the family plan cannot. Please fix this.

Same problem here! It worked with a Premium account but not with the Family account... This is BAD! Please fix this.

Same for me on Android. Wrote a ticket. Feeling kinda cheated, we use Chromecast a lot, and now my family member cannot use it at all when I'm not at home.

Same problem here!

Edit: it's working again. I don't know why but now it works on all my devices again. I did not change anything so I do not have a solution.

I got it working after contacting the support. Try restarting your

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