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Starred Playlist Gone


Starred Playlist Gone



I just realized that my starred playlist is incomplete. For some reason it saved songs that I added from 12 days ago but all the ones that I've been staring since I got Spotify are gone. I think they're about 70 songs or so. Is there anything that can be done?? Any help at all would be awesome!



160 Replies
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Is the playlist in your recovery section of your online account?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Your awesome!! Thank you!

I added a track, went to play the Starred playlist, which had quite a few tracks before, and now it has only the last one I added. 😞

That's weird @crimzind ! Are all of your other playlists still showing?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Yes, It seems so.

@crimzind - In that case I would suggest you get in touch with the customer services team directly using the online contact form and they should be able to easily restore them for you. 

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if you prefer support via Twitter, please tweet @SpotifyCares.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hi...I have the same problem. Only 21 songs are left on my starred list. Why does this happen? How do I recover them? Thanks so much!!!

@skydoll - Are all of your other playlists still showing?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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My Starred playlist is gone 😞 please help me 🙂

Help me, all my 1011 starred list songs disappeared!! im crying right now :((

I have a slightly different problem.  Some of my songs are missing from my starred play list and others are not.   
Please help? The playlist is not showing under the Deleted playlists. 

It's a long time i lost my fav. tracks.
Could an admin please do the same for me? 
I used to have around 1500 tracks, then they got deleted and had 80 left.

I would kiss the admin's ass for help.


Marked as solution

It's a long time i lost my fav. tracks.
Could an admin please do the same for me? 
I used to have around 1500 tracks, then they got deleted and had 80 left.


after updating my phone, my starred playlist is completely missing (doesn't show up as a playlist) any way to recover it as it is my most played playlist?

Marked as solution

I downloaded an older version which restored the starred playlist. So thanks to anyone who keeps backing up .apk's

My songs in my starred playlist from the last 2 years deleted. Is there anywhere I can get them back?

Since Friday morning (02/10), all the titles of My Music and all my history disappeared from my account. Although I do still have my own playlists and the other playlists I follow. Could you please restore my Titles? Thank you!

Spotify team plz help me recover my Starred Playlist.


It's gone. First on mobile. Then after a few days from Desktop too.



Why is my starred playlist not showing up? I have over 300+ songs in that playlist from years of traveling &diverse suggestions.

Spotify community managers don't really care about us...


It's been a week. I am disappointed. When startups grow too big this is the result....


Helpless without my music...

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