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Year in Music 2016


Year in Music 2016

Is the year in music different this year? Last year, it told me my top artists by season, my top albums of the year, first song I listened to all year, and a bunch of stuff.. This year it told me my total minutes, gave me my top 100 playlist and that's pretty much it 😞

210 Replies

I have turned it on last night after seeing this. I have been excited about My Year in Music since Jan 1st. It was not like this the past years. My Year in Music is no ad...I have been paying 10 Euros a Month for years now and I do not understand why I can not see at least my listened minutes.

Please resend me that email...or at least tell me my minutes...

Thank you.

It would be great if these stats were just standard in Spotify.

It is so disapointing, when thinking about how this Music you are listening to will affect your Year in Music and waiting one entire year and then this...

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I've had Spotify since they came to the states, and not receiving my year in review stats may be enough to kick me off onto a different service because I seriously look forward to seeing that every year and looking back at what I've listened to.

With how well it worked last year, I'm surprised you guys dropped the ball so hard on the distribution method of it this time. Sad.


I used Spotify specifically, avoiding Youtube and Soundcloud, just to get a feeling of what My Year In Music was going to look like. But this is just sad.

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I just wanna cry... I have wait all the year to see my stats in spotify like the year before and now i CANT... really? I'm really disappointed with you mates. Really bad user experience...

you have to be kidding, that we don't get the email if it wasn't turned on earlier. What a joke. I was waiting from the past 2-3 months for the stats to show up.
I guess it sums up what a travesty of a year 2016 has been, and an end like this.

And what type of add we have to add? I'm kinda lost...

Y qué tengo que hacer para poder activar mi Year in Music, según mi cuenta tengo acceso dado a la app pero no entiendo lo que dicen algunos de tener que activar una notificación o un anuncio, o un mail o no sé, alguien me ayuda?



Spotify me ha dicho, que si no has activado recibir notificaciones y noticias antes del 2. de Diciembre, no vas a recibir nada este año. Que lo sienten y que lo van a considerar para el año que viene. Vaya desgracia

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Spotify told me that if you had not activated the news and offer emails before the 2nd or December you wont getting anything this year. And that they "were trying something new"...That they will consider all the feedback for next year...oh please

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I am a premium member and when i checked my notifications setting, I had every single one checked. I still haven't recieved my list and i honestly feel like i could cry. It seems like spotify really doesn't care about us. 😞

This is what Spotify told me:

"Sorry to hear you didn’t get a Wrapped recap email. They were sent to those who had opted into News & Offers email notifications before December 2nd at You can still find the playlists by heading to Browse > Genres & Moods > 2016 Wrapped, and we’d recommend opting into those email notifications so you don’t miss out in the future. We tried something a little different this year, but we appreciate the feedback, and we’ll take it onboard for next year. Thanks for sharing your thoughts"

I begged to at least tell my my minutes. Thes said they cant...This is unbelieveable.

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U must be kiddin right?..... 

That is ridiculous. I'm so mad right now. How come you do that? That is just bad PR. And you'll think one year later if you should do something to this matter. F me.
Lucky for me that I had at least those notifications on and received mine on time, forgetting the fact that I was waiting for something 'bit better'.. :'DD But for all the other active users out there, I'M SORRY FOR YOU.
Gonna rethink next time I use a whole year listening through your channel instead of all these other options we did have, some even for free. Tho I like to pay something in reward to all those great artists out there. But still I thought your active users had some value too..

And about the Wrapped 2016 -playlist, I already pretty much did that for myself through the year:D.. Thanks for the copy tho.

Sure they can, telling you they can't is a lie.

All of the stats are there, they are gathered constantly and is not something they turn on or off. They just don't want to give it to you, because f-uck customer relations.

Of course they can, I know they do. Thats what I have been telling them all the time.

I would be even mediocrely happy with knowing my played minutes here. 

But no..."better luck next year"

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It is ridiculous...It is the one thing I have been catering my Spotify usage towards.

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Dear Spotify,

Why can't you just admit that this your "trying out something new" wasn't really that successful, apologize about it and maaaybe, just maybe try to make it up by giving our stats like you did last year? I think that would be quite ballsy move to do.
Now that we worked our ears off listening to music with you guys, couldn't you just try to give us some greater effort here too.

Wish you all the best, I just don't think this "we'll see if we can do something differently next year" is good enough reason for us to keep consuming your service with the same eagerness we did this year.

one of your Premium Members since 2012


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This is what the twitter support told me :


Happy new year, I guess. Sad. Apt way to end 2016.

Oh well, now I know I can cancel my Spotify subscription after 3 years of use. Going full time Tidal Hifi now.

Was good as long as it lasted, Spotify! Everybody seems to outplay them now.

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