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Year in Music 2016


Year in Music 2016

Is the year in music different this year? Last year, it told me my top artists by season, my top albums of the year, first song I listened to all year, and a bunch of stuff.. This year it told me my total minutes, gave me my top 100 playlist and that's pretty much it 😞

210 Replies

Could you guys send the stats mail again? :D.



so because of something that has been off by default (i've never changed any of those settings) since i made my account in 2012 i can't recieve my favourite part of spotify each year, the support is worthless and every response has been the same copy pasted "we can't do anything sorry better luck next year! you should have been opted in at the start of december even though we never notified you in any way shape or form that this would be happening"


it's absolutely stupid and i'm honestly considering migrating over to google play music since we finally have the tools to migrate playlists and automate uploading my music to them.

I really dont know what is happening with Spotify, but i really GIVE UP.

The services, the interface, the customer service, its all worst every year.

Lets go Deezer.

This is the worst idea someone could ever have, we receive a million of spams everyday. I dont know what is wrong with you guys, but seems like you always take the worst idea, and them become then true. Are you even listening what the users want? Why not leave the retrospective as it has always been?

I'm really moving to others service, and i hope others users do the same.

Maybe this way you can see general dissatisfaction.

Kate, I didn't get/see an email, but if true that I can still see my year in music at browse/2016 Wrapped, I must be missing it. I don't see anything but 'best of' lists that are generic and don't have anything to do with me.


If we just opted in or clarified our email addresses today, is there no way we can request the Wrapped email?...


It would be more effective and guaranteed to have this special email sent to our Spotify inboxes rather than our emails. Its clearly not an "offer or promotion," just a bonus.



I meet all the criteia for Year In Music - i have received it every year since you started in 2014. I have been Premium Member for over 4 years. Woluld you look into why i've not got one please - my username jamesahayward

Super disappointed guys! please change it back

To be honest, I'm pretty gutted about this - it feels a cop-out to just be sending a crappy mail shot, I didn't even receive mine and I use spotify - a lot.

One of the best things I've seen spotify do is the personalised micro sites and this year it feels a shambles. Great response from customer support too - 'we sent an email, its ok'.


Gonna head to apple music, Where's my credit card...

I did all of these steps and still didn't get it (I did them way before Sunday). This is ridiculous.

I still can't believe it. I've been premium since early 2015 and have since switched to family premium a few months ago. I use Spotify EVERYDAY. It's the only app on my phone other than Facebook or YouTube that I do. I don't want to switch either, because of things like the PS4 app. I was really excited to see the stats of what I listened to this year and the amount of time I did like last year....

Why isn't the site set up like last year?


I've been looking forward to seeing my stats like I have in previous years.


How hard can it be? It's not like you delete the data after you sent it out via email. I've just opted in to emails now in hopes to receive it.


I pay for premium for no annoying ads - including spammy email ads.

Please bring back the statistics the way they were in the previous years. You could still email a base one out just also have more in the format they were before available for the many people who want it. Really disappointed with how this went this year since it was one of my favorite things about Spotify. Was really looking forward to the statistics all year. 

I was opted into News & Offers email notifications before Sunday, December 18th, 12:01 AM EST with my correct email. 


Stil no Year in Music.


Very disappointing 😞

Wow.. You must feel pretty stupid now, right?

same issue.


We’d hoped to reach more people with this year’s campaign and we believe we have.


I helped you out.  After almost 5 years as a user and subscriber, I've moved over to Apple Music. 


Now you have one less person you have to worry about reaching. 


This sucks. I had all the correct notification settings and have been subscribed to Premium since 2013. Even though this email seems to be way less exciting compared to the beautiful My Year in Music experiences in the past two years, I'd still like it to be resent. 

Just want to add my disappointment to other users. Why mess up a good thing?

Tell your marketing/communication guy he/she's fired. 

I've been a paying customer for years and you don't send me the stats (I like stats) because I opted out from spam? meh.

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